Miss Jane Pittman

Greg Beale
2 min readJun 20, 2024


It is once again the anniversary of the freedom of the slaves. June 19th.

The Movie Miss Jane Pittman depicted a fictional character, whose story was not fictional.

  1. Slavery was outlawed by the Civil War. The Date is June 19…..a call to arms against involuntary servitude…..racism and prejudice.
  2. Slavery continued until the 1960s, when finally legislation was passed making working for nothing and all the other cheat that the Plantation Economy had illegal. However still the labor is abused in our twisted Capitalist Economy…it still is not fair.
  3. The Plantation Economy also morphed into fascism…..using an economy of still not paying the workers, but making them share croppers….white supremacy was and still is part of the Confederacy and in parts of the United States…We have a billionaire running for President; who hates people of color…in short a white supremacist!
  4. Jane Pittman was a movie that showed the inhumanity of white privilege….making a few people rich (there were poor white trash who were the foot soldiers of the racism.
  5. Today we watched the movie once again, in memory of June 19th…and we both wept.
  6. Once you have seen the plantation economy, that built Amerikkka’s economy, you understand how the present Republican Party is still operating….the Florida Governor actually said that the plantation economy was a “works learning experience”. It was nothing of the kind: it was using slave labor to get white people rich.
  7. The north’s economy boomed after the Civil War, and before, using slavery and non pay economy, to built the U.S. economy to the strongest on earth.
  8. It took another form of slavery to build an economy that still, I mean still, has a white caste that keeps people of color out…including Asian, African American, Native American; etc.
  9. The United State is NOT United…it still harkens make to slavery, that established the basic U.S. Economy.
  10. So we wept together, watching the old movie, that told the truth more than both political party!

Remember Jane Pittman

