Patent Registration In Mumbai

3 min readOct 30, 2021


In Mumbai, you may file a patent application.

In Mumbai, a person or a group of individuals may apply for a patent registration for an idea.

The persons listed below are eligible to submit a patent petition in Mumbai.
The true and original creator
The true and first inventor’s assignee
The original and first representative of the inventor has departed the premises.
According to the Patent Act, a ‘person’ may be a natural person, a corporation, a collection of people, or a government organization, whether or not it is incorporated.

If the company is a sole proprietorship, the patent application should be submitted in the proprietor’s name in Mumbai.
The names of all people who are directly liable, i.e. the partners, must be included in the patent application in the case of partnership firms.
A natural person or a legal body, such as a registered company, a Limited Liability Partnership, a Section 8 corporation, or a school or government institution, might be the assignee.

The names, residences, and nationalities of the genuine and original inventors must be provided in the application.
In India, what does it mean to submit a patent?
In India, a patent may be used to protect an invention. A patent is a government-issued legal right that prevents others from manufacturing, using, selling, or importing patented objects or processes without permission or license.

The first step for an innovator to protect his or her concept from exploitation is to file a patent application. A patent application in India is a lengthy process, but with the correct guidance and help, it may be finished quickly. A knowledgeable patent attorney should be consulted by anybody seeking a patent.

A comprehensive examination is undertaken before getting a patent to verify whether the product is unique or distinctive, as well as industrially beneficial. An individual may search the intellectual property authorities of India’s database to check whether there is an item or invention that is similar to or identical to the applicant’s work.
However, not all ideas are eligible for patent registration, and in order to be granted a patent in India, the invention must fulfil particular requirements.

What does a patent’s protection entail?

An innovation must be a unique product or procedure with an inventive step that may be used in the industry, according to the Patent Act. An invention must be technical and meet the following requirements to be eligible for patent registration:

Novelty — Prior to filing a patent application, the specification’s subject had not been published in India or elsewhere.

The innovation is not clear to a person familiar with the art due to prior publication/knowledge/document.

Industrial applicability — In order to be developed or used in industry, an innovation must be helpful.

