ALX Final Project

Gbodi segun
3 min readDec 6, 2022



This is a final project embarked on as our Alx Software engineering program necessary for graduating from the program. The project aims to allow users quick and easier access to health care services and help individuals to locate hospitals around its location. Members involved in the project include Segun Gbodi, Denis Harold Manga Manga, and Stephen Adeyemo.

The project was created for people who finds themselves in urgent need of medical service but are not familiar with the location they are and needs to help locating hospitals in the area. Stephen Adeyemo worked on the implementation of the front end of the project while Denis Harold Manga Manga and Segun Gbodi worked on the back-end part of the project.

Working on the back-end of the project with Denis, who created the database of used for the project, I created the endpoints to query the database that provide data shown to users on the front-end and storing the information provided by users in the database.

Why we chose to work on this Project

I grew up in a developing nation where technological innovation is a little behind the advanced nation and access to good health care service is a bit challenging. I’ve often find myself in new cities at some points in my life and needed to access medical services but found it a little difficult to find an hospital due to lack of access to easy information, which is something members of my teams have at one point or the other gone through themselves. It was easy to relate to the problem and in a bid to find a solution we came up with this project.

Work Done So Far

The front-end was build using ReactJS which is a JavaScript framework and tailwind CSS to optimize performance. The back-end was build using flask and SqlAlchemy which is a framework of python, to allow for code portability between developers of the back-end.

Here are some features added to the project

Feature: A button that shows available Doctors within a searched location at a specific time

Feature: The website is responsive and compatible with mobile and the project can be viewed from a mobile view!

Difficult Technical Challenge

One of the notable challenge I faced during this project was writing the code to find the nearest hospital in proximity. I was thinking of using google map API in-order to be able to find the nearest location however, after deliberation with my team mates we decided to just query the database and provide hospitals based on their location.

What I learned

In the implementation of this project, I learned a lot and one of the notable thing I learnt is how to collaborate effectively with other engineers. I also learnt that learning is a continuous thing and as a software Engineer, the more you implement, the better you become.


My name is Gbodi Segun Clement. I am a certified Accountant and a Software Engineer in training. I hope to use my skills and knowledge to impact society and help people around me, solving problems and contributing my little to society.

GitHub Link to the project

LinkedIn profile

