If you are stressed and you believe read this…..

G.B Writings
3 min readMay 12, 2024

The way to leave all stress and anxiety behind

When you embark on a journey to reach your goals, you start working hard and you become stressed and anxious, this happens because we may be impatient or we are not seeing any results. This stress and emotional breakdowns cause us to feel down and eventually start to give up, and that is the beginning of the end, we fail because we usually can’t bear all that stress and pain that seems to not be of any use. In my experience, the only way I have found to be relieved of all that stress, and in that way being able to continue to work hard and enjoy my work and life more, is through my faith. There is such a special feeling and peace that only your faith can give you.

I woke up one day, and I was stressed and in the worst mood possible, I was mad because I played very badly in my basketball game and also because of the amount of work I had to do, then I opened my Kindle and started to read the bible and I came across a passage that spoke about how not to worry about earthly things, but to worry about following Christ, because he is the way to an eternity with God. This makes so much sense, why worry about earthly prices and victories, If I have a heaven and an eternity with God that is the ultimate price. And then I realized I was worrying about unimportant things and instead of worrying I should be praying.

This made me realize that all that bad attitude and stress was the cause of my ungratefulness and my lack of faith. A faithful person does not have to worry about being perfect or fitting human standards, a Christian has to worry about following Jesus and God’s plan, and those things are not influenced by how well I played a basketball game or how much money we earn, what clothes we wear, or in what house we live in, or how good our business is, God doesn’t care about does things, he cares about your faith in him, and by showing stress and insecurity, you are showing your lack of faith.

I am writing this as a reminder for you and myself, that I have no reason to worry, and less about things that are not important, I should worry about following God instead. Building my faith strong, because if my faith is strong everything in my life will be good and I will be good, so this is a reminder that when I am blinded by the earth’s trophies and achievements, and I can’t see I have a much bigger purpose to follow and that God doesn’t care about how many achievements I have, but of how much faith my soul holds. And so in those moments, I need to ask for forgiveness and pray for wisdom and God’s presence knowing that he will help me.

This is the luck, we believers have, there is nothing impossible, and there is nothing to worry about because we know God is with us and he is all powerful and all good. So next time you are worried, pray and remember there is a heaven up there and God is there waiting for you, so don’t forget that, and don’t let yourself be so easily influenced by unimportant things.



G.B Writings

Self-writer sharing thoughts and ideas for personal growth.