New VGP version: the ALPHA 2 is live!

6 min readDec 16, 2016


We released the ALPHA 1 of Video Game Promo 3 months ago, to connect YouTubers & streamers with the best games on a simple web platform.

Today, we are really proud to make a special announcement:
> The ALPHA 2 is available! <

In this post, you’ll discover some data from the ALPHA 1, new features & new concepts included in the ALPHA 2, an update of our terms & the future of VGP.

Data & testimonials from the ALPHA 1

31 great games from Steam, iTunes & more

We approved only 31 video games, to ensure we provide solely the best games to our creators. Dungeon Rushers, Splasher, Evoland, Another World, Pankapu, Farabel, NeuroVoider, Steredenn, Niche, Blue Estate, Puddle+, Out There: Ω Edition and more amazing games are now available on the platform.

With an average of 90% of positive reviews (or 4.5 stars on 5) for the 1st wave of games, VGP is now ready to scale up with more gamers, talents and stars from YouTube.

82 video creators from YouTube

Some YouTubers & partnership managers from various multi-channel networks used our platform in the last months. However, we realized that our offer was too ambiguous.

While we were focusing on building the greatest product possible, we neglected communication about how we intend to solve your problems. Today, we feel like we made a great step forward in sharing our vision.

Testimonials from the ALPHA 1

Everyday, we receive tons of feedback from all of you. Some are about feature requests, others about bugs… but often it’s just some good vibes:

Sounds very interesting, plus I had some positive feedback from contacts that are already on the platform. — A game developer who sell his game on Steam.

Thank you for all the details! Indeed, the next version of VGP are likely to be awesome :) — A gaming YouTuber with 6k+ subscribers who used the ALPHA 1.

Wow, thank you all very much 😉

What’s new ? — For YouTubers & their networks

New formula for your channel’s reach

Our algorithm uses statistics from your YouTube channel to calculate your average reach. We realized that it lacked accuracy, so we revamped it. In a transparency effort, here’s how it works from now on:

Your reach is the average view count of all videos or streams you published in the last 2 months, excluding those published in the last 7 days.

Currently, you can link only 1 YouTube channel to your VGP account. Think about this before signing in with a YouTube account or linking your channel to your VGP account. Contact us if you have some issues linking your channel or if you think your channel’s reach is wrong.

Linking your YouTube channel

When you link your account, there is only 1 permission required & asked by BIG Indie Games, the company which owns the VGP platform:

View your YouTube account (videos, playlists and your YouTube activity).

The platform needs this permission in order to access to your channel statistics to calculate your reach. Obviously, if you’re not satisfied by the VGP offers, you can revoke this grant on your YouTube/Google account permissions management console.

For streamers: Twitch integration is a planned feature. In the mean time, publish replays of your streams on your YouTube channel and link this channel to your VGP account.

Creator’s levels

An important announcement is that we revamped our way to work with creators. We decreased the minimum reach to be able to use the platform. We added the concept of creators’ levels, which are unlocked based on their channel’s reach.

The levels are:
🔑 Gamers: Between 100 & 999 views/video.
💸 Talents: Between 1,000 & 49,999 views/video.
Stars: 50,000 views/video and more.

To know your level, sign up and link your channel.

Each level allows to claim exclusive benefits.
🔑 Gamers: Get game keys/promocodes for free
💸 Talents: Gamers benefits + get paid to produce sponsored videos
Stars: Talents benefits + VIP support everyday

What’s new ? — For game developers

Game for views

When we released the ALPHA 1, the main feature for game developers was to request a free campaign by submitting keys or promocodes, which could be acquired by YouTubers to promote the game.

With the ALPHA 2, YouTubers are now limited to 3 parallel campaigns. This means that they can not acquire more than 3 game keys, unless they publish sponsored videos. This ensures that you’ll get a maximum of views for each game key you provide, and that YouTubers won’t sell your keys.

This feature makes sure that only YouTubers having at least 100 views per video in average can get keys.

Pay for views

As a game developer or publisher, you can now launch a paid campaign to ask YouTubers to make sponsored videos about your game. Our current campaign promotes Heavy Metal Machines by Hoplon Infotainment, a Brazilian publisher which sponsored French talents as Xenoss & MrThoomas72YT.

Your campaign can reach between 10k and 20k views, starting at $300. Of course, the more you pay, the more views you get. Additional details here.

This feature makes sure that only YouTubers having at least 1,000 views per video in average can be sponsored.

We use Snapchat to notify YouTubers

During a “Game for views” campaign for a given game, only the 20 first YouTubers can get a game key. As this limit is quickly reached, we announce each new approved game on Snapchat, so each YouTuber can react quickly and be the 1st to grab a key and talk about this new game.

Follow us to be notified: Gameoftheday 👻

If you’re afraid of ghosts (or of the color yellow), you can get our last news on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

We updated the VGP’s terms

We took into account your concerns about privacy. Know that from the beginning, it was important for us to encrypt your personal data and to help you understand how we use this data.

As such, we’ve updated our Terms of Use & Privacy Policy, in which we’ve added a new section about how we use Cookies to improve user experience.

The next steps

We will work on the following points in the next months:

  • As a developer, add comments to a campaign, to suggest an angle or give recommandations to YouTubers;
  • As a developer, specify for a campaign the countries or languages of targeted YouTubers;
  • As a developer, launch a “Pay for views” campaign in minutes;
  • As a YouTuber, join a paid partnership in a click;

Our priorities are based on your feedback.

Bringing more value to you

I really hope this post gives you an overview of what is new about VGP and what is yet to come. 😜

Any question? You want other posts about more specific VGP topics? Comment this article, or contact us through our live support page.

Thanks to all our friends & family for their support in this epic journey.

> Let’s grow together! <

Geoffrey, co-founder of Video Game Promo

