Drought Stats for California

Gerry Campbell
2 min readDec 20, 2014


The recent rain has made a huge improvement in our drought status.

Out of curiosity I decided to check in on the situation this morning. This data is from the US Drought Monitor at http://droughtmonitor.unl.edu/ and the California Dept. of Water Reserves http://cdec.water.ca.gov/.

I just threw the historicals into a graph and snagged some pics.

First of all, looking back to the beginning of 2013, the drought has been a big deal for California:

When you look at the last 8 weeks you can see the dramatic improvement:

And this shows week over week change, note Northern California’s situation improvement:

And here’s where the California water reservoirs stand:

Which is a small improvement over the beginning of November, but note that the state’s big reservoirs are in Northern Ca, where the rain is falling. There’s been significant improvement:

Trinity Lake (23->30% of capacity), Lake Shasta (24->35%) and Lake Oroville (27->34)

Good news.

