I Will Not Boycott Target!

Lorisa Griffith
4 min readMay 15, 2016

I am so freaking annoyed right now. There are so many other topics we could be focusing on and dealing with in this country. The wage gap, how to make higher education more affordable, and ending homelessness are good topics for starters. Instead people waste time and our state governments waste tax dollars on passing bills that discriminate against transgender people and dictate what bathroom they can use. It’s an election year so out come the batshit crazy pseudo-Christians.

I just watched a video on Chris Crocker’s Facebook page that he shared from The Brand’s Facebook page. In it a loud obnoxious woman and her family go inside a Target store yelling in protest, imploring that people leave and not shop there because of the homosexual agenda that is being pushed. She goes on to say that the store is not protecting our children. She says that she is a mother of twelve and that she is disgusted. She mentions this like popping out twelve children and teaching them to hate others is a good thing and like popping out twelve kids makes her the authority on parenting. They parade themselves in a circle around the store and out the door shouting the whole way. Well I’m a mother of one and I have a few things to say on the subject.

My first thought is that this bitch needs to take a chill pill and sit her wacko ass down. I don’t need to see people like that running through stores and scaring my toddler when we go there to shop. My next less angry thought is that she is entitled to her opinion no matter how ignorant it is. After I calmed down a bit more I started thinking that she should just not shop there (she probably doesn’t anyway). Most of the so called “boycotters” probably don’t shop there and never did. Are you really boycotting a business if you never shopped there?

I shop at Target all the time and will continue to. Back when Chick-fil-A was embroiled in controversy due to homophobic statements by their CEO, I said I was boycotting them. I didn’t really go there much because they were not open on Sunday and I always seemed to crave chicken on Sundays. I just didn’t go and didn’t miss not going. No big deal. I didn’t round up my posse and stroll in there yelling for the patrons to put down their southern fried hate sandwiches and #1 value meals with an extra side of homophobia and leave. I just simply pretended they didn’t exist just as this lady (I use the term loosely) should just forget Target and leave the rest of us shoppers alone.

Just when I thought I was going to put my phone away and go to bed for the night, I came across Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty and his latest attempt to stay relevant. Why oh why is America obsessed with making stupid people famous? He was quoted saying “just because a man may ’feel’ like a woman doesn’t mean he should be able to share a bathroom with my daughter, or yours…” News flash Phil, transgender people that are male to female transgender are not men who “feel” like women, they are women that are born inside of male bodies. They have as much right to be in the women’s bathroom as any cisgender female and same goes for female to male transgender men in the men’s room. Also you do NOT speak for me or my daughter. I would rather myself or my child share a bathroom with a transgender female any day than have my child be subjected to your poison pseudo-Christian values.

I feel like conservative homophobes are not going to be satisfied until businesses just decide to have one bathroom for everyone. No matter how big the store or restaurant, I imagine one door and a long line single file that seems never ending. Either that or businesses will stop providing facilities all together. They are only required by law to provide restroom accommodations for their employees. With the exception of Ally’s law, they do not have to provide a public restroom to customers. This is a luxury that we take for granted.

I am left wondering what the world would be like if people would just live and let live. What could we accomplish together if we didn’t fight over race or gender identity? How much more could we improve our world if we took time to learn from each other instead of hating and fearing the unknown?

