SECURITY: What is GCL/RCN code? Find out Meaning and Decoding

Dr. Scott Brian
5 min readDec 3, 2023
GCL/RCN code — 2250

A GCL/RCN code is a secret unique client’s code which is provided to a DFX banknote holder by GCL, for jobs activation securities, during a DFX banknote cleaning on a percentage sharing basis. These GCL/RCN codes are presented to GCL’s assigned SCDN technician expert for each job process, once they arrive in GCL client’s country of destination. These GCL/RCN codes are generic security scripts generated from the GCL system.

This security helps keep the SSD/SCDN/DFX communication network secured, and free from authorities, hacks, or frauds. In the previous years, many of GCL’s clients complaint of being scammed of defrauded by technicians, by secretly collecting money for chemical or whatever purpose from the clients without the knowledge of GCL, with fake promise to provide them with the solutions they need at a lower cost (while being a lie, but most clients believe them) and end up losing their money, only to contact the GCL back after some days, weeks, or months later complaining that the technician that GCL sent has defrauded them, meanwhile during these times, the technician asked the client to stop communication with GCL operators at the office. In situations when this happens, and after the client complains, the technician will disappear in thin-air, since the GCL has the technician’s CTC number, he or she can only be traced and disarmed from any SSD/SCDN/DFX materials provided by GCL, blacklisted, and thrown in secret river full of crocodiles to be eaten, but, this will not change the fact that the client has lost his or her money, and GCL does not refund this type of losses, because it is also part of the client’s fault as they participated in the secret arrangement with the technician, without prior informing the GCL that they’re paying a sum of money to the technician, for whatever purpose. Therefore; in such instances, the client is considered a corporate of the fraud, with no liability, claims, or refunds of lost from the GCL.

In other cases, notorious hackers such as NSR HACKING EMPIRE can easily gain access into your email account and hack into your communication with GCL, and then, call you as the supposedly technician who is to attain to your DFX banknotes cleaning job, without providing you with your secret GCL/RCN code for identity verification and confirmation, which is a part of call scams. Most often, hackers hacks this information and sell it in DARKWEB to scam callers, who will then place a call across to you as the supposed SCDN technician, sent by GCL. It is highly and always advisable that you should immediately report to the GCL, should you receive any strange or suspicious call from anyone unknown claiming to have just arrived in your country, sent by GCL, and asking you for money for whatever purpose WITHOUT providing you with the GCL/RCN code for secret identify verification and confirmation, before establishing any further connection and communication, for your DFX banknote currencies cleaning.

“Help us help protect your interest.” A quote from, DR. Fuyatta Nagaraj — GCL/CEO.

Another importance of the GCL/RCN code is that it helps protect you as a DFX banknote holder from legal authorities, such as the FBI, CIA, INTERPOL, ETC. During a criminal investigations by the law, since the SSD/SCDN/DFX activities and the entire cleaning industry is considered illegal, hence, it is a federal crime, making it an offense by the law (under the Money Laundering Act №1832); when such investigation in ongoing, most authority assigned agents would randomly crawl DFX banknote holders data on the internet and contact them privately while posing as a technician sent by GCL. But, as a GCL registered client, if you receive a strange call from anyone claiming to be sent by GCL without providing you with your GCL/RCN security code, then it is 100% risky, and you should seize or stop communications with immediate effect, because when an authority agent calls, all your voice transmitted data are automatically recorded into their system to helps further their investigations, for whatever legal purpose it may be. GCL/RCN codes benefits help protect you from con-technicians, hackers, and authorities, for potential lose or harm.

The GCL/RCN code format is displayed as JAS20231201UXXXXLPS. Example; JAS-2023–12–01-U1911-LPS (or JAS/2023/12/01/U1911/LPS).

Decoding the GCL/RCN code format.
GCL/RCN stands for Gemonog Chemical Laboratory Registered Client Number.

JAS = (Job Activation Security)
2023 = (Year)
12 = (Month)
01 = (Day)
U1911 = (Client UID)
LPS = (Laboratory Percentage Service)

*NB: You will notice in the above decoding of GCL/RCN code format, that the Client UID is (1911) which is used in this demonstration as the yearly number when GEMONOG CHEMICAL LABORATORY SARL was founded, in Anno Domini (or AD). GCL is a global SSD/SCDN/DFX network, with top-notch security focus to protect the interest of DFX banknote holders from con-artists. The SSD/SCDN/DFX trans-activities in GCL/TradeHub are estimated at $10.58T, since December 2, 2022.

For SSD/SCDN/DFX security control purposes, it should be well noted that a GCL/RCN code is completely different from a GCL/CAS code. A GCL/RCN is aimed to provide secured connection between an SCDN technician and a DFX banknote holder, in the process of Anti- Breeze DFX banknote currencies cleaning on a percentage sharing basis; While a GCL/CAS is a chemical analysis security number (such as 8342-XX-7) provided to enable SSD chemical buyers to verify and confirm the originality of a chemical substance before payment, upon full confirmation of the buyer(s). A secured SSD/SCDN/DFX community standards has been GCL’s prime focus, since 1911 genesis of Anno Domini (1911 AD).

The Pain of un-potential losses is very un-derstandable by GCL, which explains why GCL’s security team works tirelessly to fight against these loses in the SSD/SCDN/DFX underground TUNNEL MARKET in protection of global DFX banknote holders, by implementing the GCL/RCN security code for clients protection, during an Anti- Breeze DFX bank notes cleaning project on a percentage sharing basis term. This method of DFX banknotes cleaning is a strategy which is less costly for clients whom do not have the average available SSD chemical substances order amount of $28,500.00 USD to $120,000.00 USD per liter, for purchasing a fully compatible SSD/DFX cleaning chemical solutions; This makes it a better choice to choose the GCL Percentage Services as an alternative for cleaning your defaced banknotes, which after your GCL laboratory registration confirmation, you’re then provided with a GCL/RCN security code, for secured connection between you (DFX banknote holder) and SCDN technician professionals.



Dr. Scott Brian

Specialist Researcher Chemical for SSD/SCDN/DFX. Stream for undiluted knowledge about SSD chemicals at $1000 per 1 minute session on O3T.