Crypterium explains how to survive the DDOS attack

Skim Zuero
4 min readJan 4, 2018


In early December, Estonian Crypterium, which plans to become the world’s first mobile crypto-currency bank, suddenly detected an unusual increase in visitors to its site, leaving both the site and the platform offline. According to one of the founders of Crypterium, a carefully planned DDOS attack was the cause of instability.

Crypterium launched its ICO at the end of October. The creators of the project plan to raise about $ 75 million during the entire fundraising phase. All of this feature will be used in the development of the platform that is planned to be launched in the first quarter of next year. The DDOS attack coincided with the final phase of the token sale. ICOBox, the organizer of ICO, spoke to a representative of Crypterium.

See below the content of the interview:

Are the access problems to the Crypterium platform the result of a strong demand or an invasion of bots?

Gleb Markov, COO, co-founder: The main site and platform has been affected by a strong “workload” since the beginning of the IOC, with more than 5 million people visiting the website since the sale began of the tokens. The number of people reached online at the same time was up to 5 thousand people. Currently, more than 100,000 people have registered at the ICO Crypterium, and the number of tokens reached 18,000 (while an average ICO reaches 4–5,000 buyers). We are successfully managing this workload.

So, then the capacity of the server is enough capacity?

We do not like to talk about this because someone is being malicious, several times in the last few days we have “fought” against serious and well-planned DDOS attacks. Someone has tried with an enviable perseverance to overload our DNS server, spending its time and a certain amount of money to make this attack. We register up to seven thousand connections per bot at the same time.

Has the DDOS attack brought down the Crypterium platform?

We reacted successfully to the primary domain attack, but the platform was in a very complicated situation. Add a large number of registered users and the high level of orders on the platform, and you’ll understand everything we’ve been through in the last few days. All the bustle of user activity, coupled with bot attacking, put Crypterium’s ICO on an equal footing with the largest token sales projects in 2017 and set strict performance and fault tolerance requirements for the system.

A large-scale targeted attack is expensive. Who gains from this?

The most obvious answer is the competition of projects, even if they are planning to enter the digital market without using the benefits of an ICO. Crypterium proved to be a powerful player with leadership ambitions. Although our app has not yet come online, we are already supported by tens of thousands of people around the world who will in the future be users of our app. Of course, our success scares our competitors.

Are these competitors Startups in the crypto-currency market?

Representatives of the obsolete traditional banking industry may be interested in this, and so I say traditional banks. They may feel that their “era” is ending. The crypto-economy projects will obviously take a big chunk of the “cake” they “eat”, and traditional banks do not want that to happen. Whoever is behind the attack has a lot of money, because a DDOS attack of this magnitude requires a lot of money. Either way they did not succeed. Even if we had suspended the sale of tokens before the DDOS attack, we still would have issued enough tokens.

Okay, the attack was not successful. But it probably will not be the last, right? Are you ready for a second try?

At this point, the problem was found and resolved. Everything has been done to ensure that this does not happen in the future. ICOBox’s technical specialists, who developed the platform and organized our ICO, including Taras Kozlov and Daniel Minkov, were a great help. Co-founder Mike Raitsyn also became involved and personally took control of the situation.

As a result, when will automatic distribution of tokens be initiated through the Crypterium platform?

Since all efforts of our technicians were directed exclusively to eliminate the problem of platform access, the completion dates for the token withdrawal were postponed. It is useless to distribute tokens if the platform is not working. So preparations for token removal are under way and have top priority.

Do you have a tutorial to survive a DDOS attack during an ICO?

DDOS attacks are a common problem for any popular ICO. If someone launches an ICO and is not attacked by bots, it is safe to say that the market is simply not very interested in this ICO. Ensuring secure access for users to accounts and portfolios is important. I would recommend bringing so-called “white hats” to look for vulnerabilities before the tokens start selling. If the problem is the overhead caused during DDOS attacks, do not ignore the security tools on the market. Do not panic if these situations arise, calmly resolve the problem.

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