GCOX Official
2 min readJul 9, 2018



Singapore, 7th July 2018 – It has come to the attention of GCOX that there are at least 2 fraudulent websites existing online, www.gcox086.com and gcox.exchange, purporting to belong to GCOX and containing content which appears similar to our official website.

Please note that the official website of GCOX is www.gcox.com, and GCOX has no connection whatsoever with the above stated websites.

If you have disclosed your personal information, made purchases or transferred funds through such websites, you may wish to seek assistance from your local police or regulatory authorities immediately.


We also wish to remind our users and the public that our ACM Tokens are NOT developed on the Ethereum blockchain and are therefore not ERC20 tokens.

It has come to the attention of GCOX that there exists several ERC20 tokens which purport to be affiliated to GCOX, such as:

  • 0x56e03ebf4cf00962993203ceb986236d014f0df8
  • 0xf3b25ae2c7cf88336e1906b02f196062ce395521
  • 0xa51b4587fc369b8a8bc6f31d377b4523869ddcf3
  • 0x496f87f8a1c0ca05f2abc50ee24580caebe8a506
  • 0x3061afa2bfa4c47853c221f18f8a8f20f17a8f1b

If you have received any ERC20 tokens purporting to be ACM Tokens, these are not affiliated to GCOX.

If you have disclosed your personal information, made purchases or transferred funds in connection with these tokens, you may wish to seek assistance from your local police or regulatory authorities immediately.


  • Ensure that you are using the official GCOX website. We strongly recommend manually typing the GCOX website URL (www.gcox.com) directly into your web browser instead of using hyperlinks. If you are on mobile, consider using our official GCOX App.
  • Look for the “https” prefix before the site URL, indicating the site is secure.
  • Fake e-mails and websites may look just like real ones. But the hyperlinks, will likely be incorrect – look out for broken links and discrepancies in spelling.
  • If you discover a phishing campaign or fraudulent website, report it to us immediately so that we can take appropriate action if necessary.

About GCOX

Global Crypto Offering Exchange (GCOX) aims to be the world’s first fully-licensed celebrity crypto exchange. GCOX helps celebrities cryptonise their popularity by creating their own exclusive crypto tokens, known as Celebrity Tokens. Through exclusive products, services and social interactions, GCOX revolutionises the way celebrities interact with their fans, giving the public unparalleled access to celebrities.

GCOX Official

GCOX is a highly-anticipated cryptocurrency exchange that offers an unprecedented platform for global celebrities to issue personalized tokens.