Aussie Junior Beckham Baker’s Flair Will Leave You Wheedled | Child Prodigy | GCP Awards 2020

Global Child Prodigy Awards
2 min readAug 11, 2021


Meet 12-year-old Junior Aussie Football player, Beckham Baker who demonstrated his talent and flair in the field of football. This gifted boy was marked by the Spanish club when they were in Melbourne, Australia, for their junior academy program. His mother named Beckham Baker after prestigious English footballer David Beckham as she is an adoring fan of David. Baker also has other similarities with David Beckham. “Becks stays very grounded and works hard. He loves Melbourne City, but Beckham’s dream is to play in the major leagues, and he loves Manchester United. That’s his ultimate dream.” Beckham received the Global Child prodigy Award in 2020 for his contribution to sports. He has been listed under the Top 100 prodigies of the world as well.

See his Story in the video Below

Few Images of Beckham Baker

he sports prodigy | Beckham baker
Beckham playing football
Global Child Prodigy Awardee | Beckham Baker

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