Meet Bonita Murungi, Youngest Award-Winning Author and Climate Activist | Child Prodigy | GCP Awards


Bonita, is a 15-year-old author and Climate Change Advocate. She studied at Aga Khan Primary School in Kampala, and presently she is studying at Nabisunsa Girls School. Bonita loves writing and public speaking. The child author has written two books, Friends (2014) and The Brave Prince Michael (2015), published by Palm Publications in Kampala. She is also a winner of the Global Child Prodigy Awards 2020 and has her name recognized amongst the TOP 100 Child Prodigies of the World.

See her Story in the video Below

Few Images of Bonita Treasure Murungi Arinaitwe

Bonita at TEDx talks
Bonita with her books

See Top 100 Global Child Prodigies who won GCP Awards 2020, visit-

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