This 14-year-old Comedy king will surprise you: Kevin Vechiatto | GCP Awards 2020


Kevin Anderson Vechiatto da Silva is a 14-year-old actor & fantastic comedian from Brazil. His acting career began at the age of eight, and has already experienced TV & Cinema. Kevin is already making great splashes. He is a recipient of the Global Child Prodigy Awards 2020 under the category of “acting”. Kevin Vechiatto is also recognized among the Top 100 Child Prodigies of the World.

See his Story in the video Below

Few Images of Kevin Vechiatto

Rising star — Kevin Vechiatto
Kevin Vechiatto on Nickelodeon
The movie Turma Da Monica Lacos in which Kevin played the role of Cebolinha
Global Child Prodigy 2020 Awardee

See Top 100 Global Child Prodigies who won GCP Awards 2020, visit-

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