Top 7 UI/UX Design Trends in 2021

4 min readNov 10, 2021
Ilona Burgarth

UX (user experience) and UI (user interface) depend on each other. While UI offers the interplay among users and computer systems, software programs, and applications, UX offers users with standard experience with a brand, product, or service. They’re commonly positioned collectively in a single term, UI/UX design, and considered from, the surface they appear to be describing the identical thing.

UI Design

UI designs all the displays through which a user will move while using a website, app, or video game, while additionally developing the visual design factors that make this movement possible. UI design includes the buttons customers click on, the textual content they read, the images, sliders, text entry fields, and the rest of the objects with which the user interacts.

UX Design

“UX” is termed as “user experience.” A user’s experience of the app is determined by how they interact with it. User experience is determined by how clean or hard it is to interact with the user interface factors that the UI designers have created.

As a follow-up to our discussion of UI/UX, we will see to the UI/UX trends that every user has to know about.

1. 3D Illustrations


3-D illustration has to turn out to be a big UI design trend in 2021. Using tools along with Cinema 4D or Blender will help you in your UI design and helps in user interaction. 3-D illustrations help to bring life to the designer’s ideas. The exercise of 3D design permits designers to boost their 2D thoughts off the page.

2. Real-life pictures

Real-life pictures are one of the best ways to describe your thoughts in front of your users. Real Life pictures help a lot to the designer and make a vast impact on the users. These pictures give visitors a real sense of your work. Having real-life photographs on your website can improve your credibility and upgrade the user experience. Images allow you to draw interest and to guide your visitor’s line of sight. They may be of great value to present critical information.

3. Glassmorphism


Glass morphism is a term used to explain UI design that emphasizes mild or darkish items, on top of colorful backgrounds. A background blur is at the items which permit the background to shine, giving it the influence of frosted glass. This effect lets you add intensity and visual hierarchy for your UI and can efficiently put attention to the content material you need to highlight.

4. Soft Gradients

Gradients help to give the image volume and depth. Soft gradients improve a website’s appearance and give a good experience to the user. Flashy and bright gradients make the website messy and do not help the user focus on the critical information of the website. You can create your own soft and modern gradients from any regular color.

5. Motion Graphics:

Motion Graphics is about bringing the design understanding to new mediums by including the factors of time and space to it — i.e. creating movement. Motion graphics make the user attend to the information provided on the website or suggest the following path of action. The transitions with motion photos are clean and fluid. Motion Graphics turns out to be the best way to deliver your idea to the user.

6. Large Typography:

Typography performs a crucial role in product design. Sometimes, the goods are designed absolutely on the premise of typography. The choice of the proper form of fonts and font length can regularly carry out top-notch results. UI/UX trends have also seen this fashion come to rise. Graphic designers use massive typography to draw the user’s interest and maintain it there. Typography helps the user quickly find what they are looking for.

7. Emoji Designs:

Emoji helps to deliver the information to the user in a very short form. Emojis are one of the most trending elements, you can find emojis everywhere. Emoji will let you say more with much less on your UI design and boost the user experience amongst all demographics. Emoji can upload persona on your UI design, permitting users (and designers!) to express themselves in a greater emotive way.

These were the top 7 UI/UX Design Trends. If you loved this blog, don’t forget to follow GDSC CU for more such amazing blogs.

