If you don’t understand ‘purpose’, this is for you!

Glory Duruem
3 min readApr 22, 2024


Let’s have a real talk for a moment.

Let’s face it, life is like a crazy roller coaster ride, isn’t it? If you’re in your twenties, you’re probably trying to figure out your way through the ups and downs, especially if you live in a country like Nigeria that seems to thwart your efforts. Sometimes it may feel like you’re just going around in circles.

It’s almost impossible to go through a day without asking, ‘ What’s the point of it all?’ Well, fam, that’s where living with meaning comes in. If you ask me, I think the word purpose gives off some sort of vibe, the overly serious kind. When you hear purpose, you think panellists, a platform, talks, pen paper, it’s all serious. So, I’m choosing to say meaning instead because that word has a feel that is just right.


Yes! I know. That’s how I felt years ago. But now, I feel like I have found meaning in life because I have a valid reason to get out of bed every day. I am happy at the thought of doing something that has some sort of meaning in the universe. Finding your meaning is all about discovering your vibes, your flow, and your reason to wake up in the morning and make the most of the day. It’s about living intentionally, not just going through the motions.

From personal experience, I can tell you that when you find that purpose, life feels different.

So, how do you find your purpose in a world that’s constantly changing?

First of all, take a moment to connect with yourself! If someone were to ask you what motivates you, you should be able to answer in less than 5 seconds.

If you can’t, it might be a sign that you don’t yet know yourself well enough. The first step to finding your passion is to understand yourself better. What makes your heart sing? Is it art, music, helping others, or achieving your goals? Whatever it may be, embrace it fully.

When you discover your purpose, you will no longer dread waking up each day.

You will be excited about everything that revolves around it. You won’t mind staying up late or standing for long hours, or even having to speak in public. You do what you love, and taking initiative comes naturally to you. Nobody has to force you to do anything. And the best part is that you are content with whatever you have. You don’t care if others are doing better than you because you are doing what you should be doing. You are happy!

However, in the spirit of being truthful, it won’t be easy. You will face setbacks, haters, and days when you just want to give up. But love conquers all! You will love your purpose when you find it, and that love will keep you going through the tough times.

So, if you haven’t found your meaning yet, keep pushing, keep grinding, and never lose sight of what you want to figure out. You got this, fam.

