Making musical instruments.

GearPlan Music
2 min readMar 20, 2019


You’ve seen them everywhere. You’ve seen them since you were a child. They make the music you jump around to or relax to. If you’re a musician you’ve sat with this unsolvable puzzle in your hands for days, weeks, months or a lifetime. The fleeting moments where its made sense have filled you with such a high, such elation and fire that you’re propelled forward. The people that can seemingly solve the puzzle at will are eternal. Beethoven. Hendrix. You’ve found unity and community through what you’ve made and in turn a unity and community is made by what you’ve created. It’s a tool that expresses what words never could. The sound of peace and the sound of revolution. But where do these musical instruments come from? These instruments that have as many varieties as the forms of music they make. They appear on the walls of your local guitar store or your favorite website. With the power they create it would seem like they appear from some magic spell but in reality they come from what would look more like a carpentry shop built by someone who’s a mixture of carpenter and artist. Someone who’s eyes guide them to make something visually beautiful and who’s ears tell them which pieces of wood was made to do this. To make music. Before a musician can express himself to the world a luthier has to carve the wood and shape the metal to create instruments that make that expression possible. Every piece of music you’ve ever heard started with this person. A luthier.

They are the bridge between what came into this world as a piece of nature, left their shop as a piece of art and the musician that turned it into a way to manifest human emotion into sound. Something that can’t be touched or scene but has more impact than any other form of art. Music is a collaboration between luthier and musician. There’s many sites that celebrate the musician. This is a website to celebrate those people that create the instruments.

