Big Artists Exit TikTok: A Golden Opportunity for Indie Artists

Major Labels Pulling Out from TikTok: A Blessing in Disguise for Up-and-Comers

Geek Music
3 min readFeb 9, 2024

In an unprecedented move that caught the music industry by surprise, Universal Music Group (UMG) announced on January 30th a decision that could very well alter the landscape of digital music promotion as we know it. With a public statement titled “An Open Letter to the Artist and Songwriter Community: Why We Must Call Time Out on TikTok,” UMG set the stage for a seismic shift in how music is discovered and consumed online. Just two days shy of their contract’s expiration, UMG declared that come February 1st, all of their artists’ music would vanish from the TikTok platform.

This bold step by UMG might seem at first glance a setback for the global music promotion ecosystem; however, it unveils an unprecedented opportunity for indie and upcoming artists. By removing their extensive catalog from TikTok, UMG inadvertently levels the playing field, allowing fresh talent to shine and potentially revolutionize how music gains popularity on one of the world’s most influential social media platforms.

The Silver Lining for Indie and Upcoming Artists

For years, the dominance of major labels on platforms like TikTok has made it challenging for indie artists to capture the attention their creativity deserves. The sheer volume of content from well-established artists often overshadows emerging talent, making discovery a formidable challenge. However, with UMG’s withdrawal, a window of opportunity swings wide open. This act not only reduces the competition but also enhances the visibility of indie and upcoming artists, providing a clearer path for their music to reach new ears.

This development encourages a democratization of music discovery, where talent and creativity can stand out without the overshadowing presence of industry giants. It signals a shift towards an ecosystem where diverse and previously unheard voices can establish a foothold, engage with audiences, and create vibrant, new musical landscapes.

A Strategic Pivot to TikTok Ads

In the wake of UMG’s departure, indie artists and songwriters have a golden opportunity to harness the power of TikTok’s algorithmic magic and its massive user base to amplify their music. Now is the time to strategize and consider TikTok ads as a pivotal tool in your music promotion arsenal. TikTok ads can propel your music into the feeds of precisely targeted audiences, ensuring that your tracks don’t just find listeners, but the right listeners.

Running TikTok ads allows artists to create engaging, creative content that showcases their music, directly engaging with potential fans. This approach not only increases the visibility of your music but also builds a community around your art, fostering a loyal fan base that grows with you.

Seizing the Moment

The landscape of music promotion is evolving, and the withdrawal of UMG from TikTok marks a critical juncture. As indie and upcoming artists, this is your moment to step into the spotlight and showcase your talent to a global audience hungry for new sounds and fresh voices.

To fully leverage this unparalleled opportunity, consider diving into the world of TikTok ads. If you’re unsure where to start or need guidance on crafting impactful ad campaigns that resonate with your target audience, reach out to us at Geek Marketing 2020 on Instagram. Our team is here to help you navigate this new terrain, ensuring that your music not only reaches but also captivates and grows your audience.

In this new era of music promotion, the stage is set for indie and upcoming artists to flourish. Embrace this moment, unleash your creativity, and watch as your music takes flight on TikTok.



Geek Music

With more than 10 years of experience in the music industy I focus everything to do with music