How To Get Into Spotify Daily Charts Within 72 Hours

Spotify Daily Charts is a powerful tool for gaining visibility

Geek Music
3 min readFeb 15, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of the music industry, making a mark on Spotify’s Country Charts is a coveted achievement for many artists. These charts are a reflection of the most popular songs in specific countries, updated daily based on the number of streams a track receives. For aspiring musicians, appearing on these charts is not just a milestone; it’s a testament to their music’s appeal and a powerful tool for gaining visibility. This article outlines a strategic approach to achieving this goal within a mere 72 hours, leveraging the power of highly targeted advertising and a deep understanding of Spotify’s streaming metrics.

Understanding Spotify’s Country Charts

Spotify’s Country Charts offer a snapshot of what’s trending in different regions, making them an invaluable resource for artists aiming to break into specific markets. The criteria for entering these charts vary by country, reflecting the unique listening habits of each region. For instance, achieving 10,000 streams in Austria could land an artist in the top 90 for the day, while 15,000 streams in New Zealand might be enough to crack the top 50. In Portugal, a more competitive landscape, 30,000 streams could catapult a song into the top 15, showcasing the diversity in streaming activity across different territories.

The Strategy: Targeted Spotify Ads for Rapid Chart Ascension

The key to unlocking rapid success on Spotify’s Country Charts lies in the strategic use of Spotify ads. Our approach involves setting up highly targeted ad campaigns designed to boost your song’s streams in a specific country. By allocating the entire ad budget to be spent within the first 24 hours of the campaign, we create a significant spike in listenership. This concentrated effort not only increases your track’s stream count but also elevates its visibility among Spotify users in the targeted country, thereby enhancing its chances of entering the charts.

Execution and Benefits

Our method focuses on identifying and targeting the most receptive audience for your music within the chosen country. Through careful analysis and selection of demographics, interests, and listening habits, we ensure that your ads reach listeners who are most likely to appreciate and engage with your track. This precision targeting is complemented by compelling ad creatives that capture the essence of your music, encouraging clicks and listens.

The benefits of this strategy extend beyond the immediate thrill of charting alongside some of the world’s most famous artists. Achieving this feat serves as a powerful promotional tool, offering tangible proof of your music’s quality and appeal. It can significantly enhance your portfolio when engaging with record labels, managers, and publications, providing a solid foundation for PR efforts and future negotiations.


Breaking into Spotify’s Daily Charts within 72 hours may seem like a daunting task, but with the right strategy, it’s entirely achievable. By leveraging highly targeted Spotify ads and focusing on a rapid increase in streams, artists can significantly improve their chances of charting in their desired country. This approach not only boosts visibility among potential fans but also offers a valuable asset for PR and discussions with industry stakeholders. In a competitive music landscape, such strategic moves can make all the difference in a budding artist’s career.

As always, if you have any questions feel free to reach us on Instagram:



Geek Music

With more than 10 years of experience in the music industy I focus everything to do with music