The phone, made of blocks.

Maybe one day, we can make our own phones.



It’s all about Nerd culture, and what is the best way to express your inner nerd then to either collect, engineer, build, or obsess over something. The latest idea coming from a company called phone blocks is a modular DIY style phone. They have partnered up with Motorola(aka Google) to see about producing this concept. This phone is essentially, a Lego style phone. Now how cool is that?? It is a build and customized ready phone. You want Bose speakers on your phone?? Buy and plug in the blocks. You want an extra big screen?? Take all of the front blocks off and pack on that big screen. You want an awesome camera?? Plug in the high end camera block. A phone design, in public view, to be whatever you want it to be. That, sounds like a good idea to me. And with Google behind this, I can see it being made. So fingers crossed, and lets hope they don’t screw this up.

