Phillip Yang
1 min readAug 28, 2015


Very interesting article Gary. Thanks for sharing. I think when it comes to VC money, entrepreneurs need to be smart about it. For example, one could have a product built and gaining momentum, but in need of extra cash to take their company to the next level. Don’t get me wrong, I’m a big advocate of being scrappy. One shouldn’t be playing around with money, let alone if it’s someone else’s and not their own. Because of this, I think the most important attribute that entrepreneurs need to have is being humble. For me, even if I did get VC money, I’d be stressing over the issue of ‘how to best effectively use it.’

I think there needs to be a fair balance between yourself as an entrepreneur and a potential VC. For example, one might not really need VC investment, but may be in need of ‘smart advisors.’ I think this is where VCs are so valuable. Entrepreneurs need a mentor/s. Without having them, I believe your chances of success are lower versus if you had them.

So to give my full answer: I think entrepreneurs should take VC money if they’re smart about. I think the mentorship you can receive is too valuable to pass over.

