Stop Coddling Pookie & Ray Ray

Gee Lowery
2 min readAug 23, 2018


So, who is Pookie and Ray Ray?

Well, that’s a pretty subjective question depending upon whom you ask. But the overall consensus that I think most would agree upon is that Pookie and Ray Ray are typically your everyday run of the mill thug ass niggas, in & out of jail type of niggas, serial baby mama impregnators, dope boys, and just overall lazy good for nothing negros accomplishing absolutely nothing with their lives and living off of their mama or some random hoodrat chick. That seems to be an accurate description for the most part for what would constitute a Pookie and Ray Ray. You can probably add a few more descriptors, but for the most part I think I covered your average Pookie and Ray Ray.

So, now that we all have a somewhat good idea of whom Pookie and Ray Ray is, my next question is: why do so many black people continually make excuses for these dudes as if these dudes honestly bring some type of legit value to the overall progression of the black community? Is it because black people are conditioned to making excuses for other black people in an effort to strictly blame 100% of everything on DA MAN? Or is it because too many of us have one or two or a few Pookies and Ray Rays within our families so we feel some type of obligation simply due to blood relation? Or worse…maybe YOU are the actual Pookie and Ray Ray who’s decided to read this blog article because you are on a break from running around doing drive by ejaculations in the hood to create more miscellaneous babies? Methinks it’s probably because too many of us know a few Pookies and Ray Rays simply because we either grew up with them, we’re currently friends with them or they are in our immediate families.

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Gee Lowery

Your favorite mulatto who isn’t interested in your feels.