Why does China favor the USA instead of Russia?

Geert Jan Sloos
3 min readDec 17, 2023
Why does China favor the USA instead of Russia?

In today’s complex geopolitical landscape, understanding the dynamics between major world powers like China, the USA, and Russia is more critical than ever. One aspect that stands out is China’s relationship with these two giants and why it might lean more towards the USA than Russia. Let’s dive into this fascinating topic!

The China-USA Economy

The economic ties between China and the USA are deep and multifaceted. China is the largest foreign holder of US debt and a significant trade partner. The USA, in turn, is a vital market for Chinese products. Despite their political differences, this economic interdependence is a strong force binding the two nations.

The Power of the Dollar

The US dollar’s dominance in global finance is a critical factor. China’s large foreign exchange reserves are primarily in US dollars, making its economy sensitive to the health of the American economy. Also, the trade volume between China and the USA far exceeds that between China and Russia. This trade is not just about goods but technology, services, and investment flows, creating a complex web of dependencies.

USA vs. Russia

USA: A Global Leader

