8 popular Myths Around IVF Treatment

4 min readAug 1, 2022


With the ongoing increase in fertility rates, the demand for getting IVF (In-vitro fertilization) treatment has also increased. However, awareness among couples is still missing. A bizarre has misled numerous couples in their process of successfully planning for a healthy baby due to a lack of knowledge about the test-tube baby or IVF treatment.

Hence, in this article, we will acknowledge in detail what IVF treatment is. And what are the eight popular myths that are widespread across the world?

IVF Treatment Is:

In-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a complex process performed outside the human body to complete the reproduction process. In this treatment, matured eggs are extracted from a woman’s ovaries on the same day as sperm gets collected from a man’s semen. After that, both eggs and sperm get combined in a petri dish inside a laboratory. And the resulting embryo gets implanted into the mother’s womb.

Common conditions that lead to IVF treatment are:

Although, Infertility factors that lead to IVF treatment vary from couple to couple, some of the most common conditions to have an IVF process are:

  • Endometriosis
  • Damaged/blocked fallopian tubes
  • Poor quality of eggs and sperms
  • Ovulation disorders
  • Age
  • Hormonal issue
  • Genetic Problems
  • Infection
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Poor lifestyle
  • Chromosomal disorders
  • Fewer production of eggs and sperms

Understand the 8 popular myths around IVF treatment

1. IVF tretament provides a 100% success rate-

Couples most often think that the IVF process provides a 100% success rate, irrespective of the trouble they face. However, it is not true as the success of a test tube baby, or IVF process varies from couple to couple. Additionally, to increase the success rate, other assisted treatments are also offered depending on the circumstances of the couple, such as IUI (Intra Uterine Insemination), ovulation induction, along with medications.

2. IVF is not suitable for overweight women-

We understand that obesity is a common cause that leads to infertility among women. But it doesn’t mean that they can never get pregnant, even in IVF treatment, to relive their dream of becoming a mother. According to research, obesity affects the quality and quantity of eggs, which can be assisted through various factors of IVF, but it does not at all, in any condition, reduce the likelihood of an obese woman getting pregnant through the IVF process.

3. Babies born with the help of IVF are abnormal-

This myth is a total facade among infertile couples that an IVF treatment results in giving birth to an abnormal child. When the reality is completely different, That’s why every couple should know that the risk with the IVF process lies in only 2%

4. IVF success rate can not be controlled-

This is a harsh myth among couples these days, as they think that the success rate can not be controlled no matter how much technology is there to help. However, couples should know that an IVF treatment passes through various stages after many evaluation rounds at each stage.

5. IVF helps only females-

Almost everyone believes that infertility only affects women, which is why IVF is only used to help women. But you should know that this myth is wrong as, according to research, infertility in the majority of couples occurs due to trouble in the male reproductive system.

6. IVF leads to cancer-

The most horrifying myth among couples is they believe that due to IVF the risk of getting breast cancer, and ovarian cancer increases which are quite far away from reality.

7. Only lifestyle factors lead to IVF treatment-

It might be true to say that lifestyle factors majorly lead to IVF treatment. But it will not be right to say that only a couple’s infertility depends on their habits of smoking, drinking alcohol, and not maintaining a healthy diet. Other factors also lead to infertility which varies from person to person.

8. The patient will be hospitalized long after IVF treatment.

Couples should know that there is no need to stay hospitalized after completing the test tube baby or IVF process. After implanting the fertilized egg in a mother’s woman, a couple can easily return to their normal lifestyle.

Why should you consult with an IVF specialist?

Planning for a healthy baby is every couple’s dream live their parenthood dream. However, without enough knowledge and numerous myths around the globe, most couples don’t understand what is right or wrong for them. Hence, to clear all your doubts about infertility, we highly recommend IVF clinics in Noida to have a consultation with an experienced specialist at Crysta IVF, one of the top IVF clinics in Noida, to get your problems solved.

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