Ball tree and KD Tree Algorithms

Geetha Mattaparthi
3 min readJan 23, 2024



Both Ball tree and KD-tree algorithms are implemented in Python libraries like Scikit-learn, giving users powerful tools to optimize nearest-neighbor search operations across various dimensions and dataset characteristics. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at these two algorithms, providing a gentle introduction, drawing analogies from real-world examples and exploring their advantages, disadvantages, and best use cases.

1. KD- tree:

A hierarchical data structure called a KD-Tree (K-Dimensional Tree) is used for multidimensional space partitioning. It creates a binary tree with each node representing a part of the space by iteratively dividing the space along predefined dimensions. Often used for effective closest neighbor searches.

2. Ball tree:

It is a tree-based data structure designed for organizing and querying points in multidimensional spaces. It is also a binary tree with a hierarchical (binary) structure. The ball tree data structure is particularly effective when there are a lot of dimensions. Unlike KD-trees, Ball trees use hyperspheres to represent partitions, grouping nearby points within each hypersphere.

Real-world analogy

To understand this concept in detail let us consider a real world analogy like supermarket organization. For suppose, products arranged on shelves in a supermarket are considered a multidimensional space.

  1. KD-tree: Consider splitting products according to the shelves (dimensions). A certain dimension is selected at each level to act as a partition. This hierarchical structure helps you focus your search for a product by guiding you straight to the dimension that’s most relevant to you.
  2. Ball tree: As an alternative, think about classifying items according to their physical proximity. Every product becomes the center of a spherical zone that includes nearby products. The dynamic nature of Ball trees reflects changes in product placement over time, adapting to evolving customer preferences.

How KD- tree and ball tree algorithms works?

Steps for KD-Tree:

  • Choose the dimension along which to split the data.
  • Sort and arrange the data points in order .
  • Select the median point (root of the current subtree) which splits the data into two subsets.
  • Repeat the process for each subset by selecting a new dimension at each level.

Steps for Ball tree:

  • Select a random data point to act as the center of the hypersphere.
  • Calculate the radius of the hypersphere using distance metrics like Euclidean distance or Manhattan distance.
  • Assign data points to the current node.
  • Repeat the process by choosing new centers and radii.

By following the above steps, narrow down the search space by comparing the query point with the splitting points at each level until the nearest neighbors are found.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  1. KD-tree


  • Excel at finding nearest neighbors in multidimensional spaces.
  • It has simple structure.
  • Suitable for static datasets.


  • Less effective when the number of dimensions increases.
  • Constructing it can be computationally expensive, especially for large datasets.
  • Sensitive to Outliers

2. Ball tree


  • Well-suited for non- Euclidean distances.
  • It can adapt to dynamic dataset.
  • Excel at handling high-dimensional spaces.


  • It has complex structure.
  • Querying it can be computationally expensive, especially as the dimensionality of the space increases.
  • It occupies more memory.


In conclusion, KD-Trees and Ball Trees stand as robust solutions for spatial indexing, each offering distinct advantages and suitability for specific scenarios.

KD-Trees are well-suited for scenarios where the data is relatively static or changes infrequently, and efficient nearest neighbor searches are crucial. Some of the best use cases include for KD-tree are Image processing, Computer graphics, Geographic Information Systems(GIS) etc.

Ball Trees are particularly effective in scenarios where non-Euclidean distances are essential, and the dataset exhibits varying spatial densities. Some of the best use cases include for Ball tree are Machine learning with non-Euclidean metrics, Document clustering, Molecular biology etc.

