5 things you never knew in choosing hotels

Gei8 hotels
4 min readJul 5, 2018


Hey there !!! To we at GEI8 hotels would like to share a few factors that you should consider in choosing hotels. You may have been to divers hotels and may feel you have been doing it very perfect ;but at the end of this article you’d know the best ways to make hotels choices as well saving money while getting the best vacation spot when you travel away from home.

GEI8 Hotels Lagos

Choosing a hotel to stay in is one of the most important decisions to make when planning a trip. This can be difficult, especially when embarking on a journey to an unfamiliar destination. A perfect choice can help make the trip a more exciting experience while a poor choice could ruin the trip altogether. Below we will discuss five major factors to consider before booking a hotel.

Choosing a hotel that suits your travel budget is a key factor to consider. This would help you save some cost if well thought out. Hotel prices are affected by location, hotel type (luxury or budget hotel) and also by the facilities. With the right research you can get a good bargain in a top hotel (especially when they offer discounts).Sites such as trivago provides you with best deals,you can find out more about GEI8 hotel prices here..

prices of hotels accomodation

So many questions would come to mind when considering the hotel’s location. Is it close to the venue of your primary reason for travelling? Is it in a secure location? What is transportation in the area like? What are the tourist attractions around the area? Are there any medical centres around? All these questions and more need to be properly answered to make sure you are close to everything you would need throughout your stay.

GEI8 hotels is located in Lagos Nigeria

This is one very important factor to consider because it helps you understand what facilities are available at the hotel compared what the ones you need. Therefore helps you avoid unpleasant surprises. For instance, it would be discouraging to find out that the hotel does not have Wi-Fi and internet connection, especially for those on a business trip. How about finding out that you might need to share the bathroom or some other conveniences. GEI8 hotels provides high speed Wi-fi connectivity to the internet,security cams,GYM,pool,good African and intercontinental dishes,Bar and lounge,laundry/dry cleaning, internet access, extended room services, etc.

GYM facility GEI8 HOTELS

Getting true value for money spent can only be done by comparing prices of the different hotels simultaneously. You can ask for discounts and other lucrative offers ad save some money. Apart from considering the price of the hotel, you can also research about value added services like laundry/dry cleaning, internet access, extended room services, etc.

@gei8 Hotels premium discounts are given on all her services

Reading through the experiences of others who have stayed at any of the hotels you are considering would help to authenticate the quality and standard of the hotel. Though you can’t solely rely on this factor, most times these reviews are honest and vital resources needed when deciding between hotels. These reviews help you answer questions like are the hotel rooms clean, are the air conditioners working, how friendly is the customer service and whether the food at the restaurant is any good.

If you put these five factors into consideration before booking a hotel for your next trip, am sure you would not be disappointed with your choice.

We look forward to giving you a warm welcome at

Gei8 Hotels…Hospitality Redfined.

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Article Source:https://bit.ly/2zc8kYk

