Breaking Barriers: OYO Token’s Journey to $100 by 2025 is reveals

4 min readNov 18, 2023


OYORI is a decentralized application platform based on the Polygon chain. OYORI is a high-performance platform designed to provide various services on a single platform. The OYO token is built on the Polygon network.

OYORI operates its own cryptocurrency through its Oyori dApp Eco-system where MATIC can be exchanged for OYO tokens.

OYO token has a unique tokenomics model: whenever someone buys, sells or trades a token, the OYO token holder receives Profit On Investment income based on the number of tokens held (in percentage of the total mined amount) .

When you hold OYO tokens, you automatically start getting ‘free’ MATIC. You earn MATIC with each transaction on the Oyori dApp Eco-System, and the amount depends on how many OYO tokens you have. This happens because the entire system operates on an open-source smart contract deployed on the Polygon network. This setup makes the exchange and token transparent, secure, and reliable.

There’s a good chance that the value of OYO tokens could reach $100 by 2025, and here are the two main reasons why. First, as the number of Matic coins in the system goes up, the price of OYO tokens increases too. This is how the price of OYO tokens is determined. This process allows the community to benefit as the value goes up.

The second way is when the price of Matic goes up. If the Matic coin’s price increases, the price of OYO tokens also goes up. That’s because OYO tokens reflect the value of Matic coin. So, when Matic’s price rises, it has a good impact on the price of OYO tokens, making it go up too.

Understanding OYO Token Reflection Benefits

The OYO token is like a twin to the MATIC coin, sharing similar perks. If MATIC reaches $100, the OYO token, being its reflection, also profits. Here’s how it works: as more people join the OYO system to get OYO tokens, the demand increases. This brings more MATIC coins into the system, lifting the OYO token price due to the simple rule of supply and demand.

Another way OYO tokens gain value is when the MATIC coin price goes up. The fixed value is 1 OYO = 0.0001425546 Matic, offering a chance to buy OYO tokens at a lower cost and still enjoy MATIC coin profits. Plus, OYO token holders get a 10% share of profits from each transaction. It’s a win-win situation for OYO token holders!”

OYO Token Price Mechanism

The cost of OYO Tokens is determined using a Matic Token unit called ‘GWEI’ in the DAPP smart contract. When you get an OYO Token, each new one costs a bit more, going up by +1 GWEI. If you sell a token, the cost goes down by -1 GWEI. Picture it like this: if the price was 0.0001 and a buyer paid 10,000 Matic, it means for every 10,000 Matic, one zero in the price is taken away. To get to a price of 0.001, it would need another 1,000,000 Matic, taking away two zeros. This goes on, and for 1 OYO to be equal to 1 Matic, the system needs to have 100,000,000 Matic. That’s how the pricing system rolls.”

How to Get OYO Tokens and Keep Earning

  1. Get a Wallet: Download Trustwallet or MetaMask and transfer your MATIC to it using the Polygon Network.
  2. Visit DApp: Go to the DApp section in Trustwallet and paste this link:
  3. Polygon Connection: Ensure you’re connected to the Polygon network, visible in the upper right corner.
  4. Wallet Connection: After connecting your wallet, store and register your MATIC (Minimum entry is 1 Matic or multiples like 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, and more).
  5. Congratulations! You’re now an OYO token holder. Get ready to earn daily profits!

Exciting Future: OYO Token’s Drive to $100 Unveiled! As we navigate towards 2025, the journey is promising and full of potential. OYO Token’s growth holds the key to breaking financial barriers. Keep an eye on the progress, and remember, the road to $100 is paved with possibilities. Trust in OYO Token and embrace the journey ahead. Cheers to a future of limitless opportunities!

This is a great opportunity to earn a significant amount of MATIC, especially for those familiar with cryptocurrencies and looking for attractive opportunities. It’s an excellent opportunity to earn passive income during the growth of OYO tokens. You can start with just one MATIC. In addition, for each transaction, you can receive a share of the profit and a 6% royalty income based on your holdings.

If you have any questions or queries regarding OYORI, OYO Token, or Reflection, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us on Telegram. We’re here to assist you.

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Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor, so please do your own research and analysis before making any investments. The previous article reflects my own investments and experiences. Despite our best efforts to ensure that all information is accurate and up to date, errors and misprints may occur unintentionally.




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