UI/UX Case study — Jago Last Wish

Geluh Tanaya Bestari
9 min readNov 29, 2022


Jago Last Wish

⚠ Disclaimer : This project is part of the UI/UX Design Mastery case study by Skilvul, and Bank Jago is the partner for this challenge.

Hai haii! I’m Geluh Tanaya and my teammates, Bulan C. Alif Muhammad Shiddiq and Abdalrhman Nabil with mentor kak Syahdan Edy Murad have completed this project challenge. At this time I will share the Jago Last Wish UI/UX case study. The purpose of this feature is to help users make plans of unexpected things to the future.

Bank Jago

As you know, Jago is a life-centric application that aims to help users become better at living life. Jago provides a financial application where users can make financial plans with loved ones. At Jago, users will recognize an account as a pocket, a place where users can manage money. Jago Pouch is very easy to use, flexible, fast, and of course safe. The Jago feature is made to support the user’s lifestyle and also help users achieve their life goals.

Jago Last Wish

In this project, we are challenged to create idea or solutions on design prototypes for mobile applications to help users make plans that anticipate unforeseen events in the future that can affect the livelihood and or well-being of the user’s family. It is also possible that later users will use it for social purposes, contributing to the environment and the surrounding community even after death.

It is Wish List feature, which is a feature of the Bank Jago application for making wills. Eits, but it’s not just making wills. The Wish List feature includes the following criteria:

  1. The steps for making a will are easy, considering that users can enter various types of requests
  2. An easy way to calculate monthly payments
  3. Management of commitments made along with editing of wills
  4. Gamification or creative ways related to a healthy lifestyle and fitness level can reduce monthly commitment costs.


  1. Helping users understand the process of making insurance and inheritance.
  2. Making procedures and conditions for making inheritance/insurance simple and fun.
  3. Complete the task of Study Independent Kampus Merdeka UI/UX Design Batch 3–2022.

Role in the team

In this challenge, we are together in the UX and UI Design roles. Things I did include:

1. Research to find data regarding existing insurance applications and look for problems in the secondary research process
2. Doing interviews with respondents at the user research stage
3. Defining problems, pain points and brainstorming design solutions with the team
4. Create user flow and wireframe to design system
5. Turning wireframes into UI mockup designs into prototypes
6. Doing usability testing using an in-depth interview method

Tools Used

In the Define and Ideate stages the tools used are Figjam, while in the prototype stage the tools used are Figma.

Design Process

Design thinking

In this case, we choose to use Design Thinking as our design process approach because of a structured solution, an example of a solution idea from our many solution ideas, then discussed again to get a solution that fits the pain point. Then do the grouping to finally get a workable solution.

Stage 1 — Empathize

At this stage, both secondary research and user research are carried out. This secondary research seeks data regarding life insurance. Either similar applications or user complaints when using life insurance. For example, complaints about the difficulty of insurance claims.

User research

This user research aims to find out the needs of respondents to make a will, find out the behavior of respondents when making a will, find out the obstacles experienced by respondents when making a wills.

Responden data :

Age : 26 years old

Profession : Freelance

Domicile : Gianyar, Bali

Her hope for this Jago Last Wish feature is “which is easy for young people to understand, such as calculators, religious payment methods, especially digital wallets, and of course claims are easy”.

Stage 2 — Define

From the data that has been obtained during the research both from secondary research and user research, problems are found that are written in pain points. What are the obstacles, the shortcomings of existing life insurance services. After getting the problems that exist in the pain point, the next step is to determine how might we, how might we itself be the objective or goal to be achieved.

Pain Points

Pain points

How might we

How might we

At this stage, using Figjam tools. And in how might, we determine using voting to get goals that are by the problem.

Stage 3 — Ideate

After getting the problems that exist in pain points, and have determined how might we. In the Ideate stage, there are several processes. There are solution idea, affinity diagram, and prioritization matrix.

Solution Idea

In this process (solution ideas), write down solutions or ideas to achieve goals based on what we think.

Solution idea

Affinity diagram

Of the many ideas for this solution, then grouped into several categories. This grouping is called an affinity diagram. There are, registration, security, payments and discounts, customer services, insurance & inheritance, product information, recommendations, notifications, and gamification.

Affinity diagram

Prioritization Matrix

In this process, the grouping of ideas is done using a prioritization matrix. Grouping for which ideas are realized based on 4 quadrants. And for ideas that are in the quadrant YES, DO IT NOW be worked on and become a priority.

Prioritization matrix

Stage 4 — Prototyping

At this stage, starting from creating user flows, creating wireframes, and designing UI to preparing prototypes.


This process consists of several flows, there are:

  1. Insurance Manufacturing
  2. Making a will
  3. Challenge
  4. Payment
  5. Insurance claim
  6. Change financial and non-financial policies
  7. Police closure
  8. Calculator
Flow pembuatan asuransi
Flow pembuatan wasiat
Flow challenge
Flow pembayaran
Flow klaim asuransi
Flow ubah polis
Flow tutup polis
Flow kalkulator


At this stage, making some design frameworks in the form of a rough picture based on the flow that has been made.

Pendaftaran asuransi
Buat wasiat
Edit wasiat
Klaim asuransi
Ubah polis non-finansial
Ubah polis finansial
Tutup polis

Design System

Before doing this, we make the design system start with color, text style, etc. This process aims to generalize all components to be the same when we work in groups.

Design system

UI Design

After creating a system design and compiling a wireframe, the next process is UI design. In this UI design, I design according to the tasks and flows that were made in the previous stage

Pendaftaran asuransi
Buat Wasiat
Edit Wasiat
Tutup polis
Ubah polis non finansial
Ubah polis finansial
Klaim wasiat


Stage 5 — Testing

At this testing stage, we doing interviews using the in-depth interview method.

At this stage, we tested 7 tasks, including:

  1. Insurance Overview Lifetime Protection & Calculator
  2. Insurance Registration
  3. Making a Testament
  4. Edit Testament
  5. Challenge
  6. Payment
  7. Insurance claim

Respondent Criteria :

Respondent data

Gender : Male

Age : 23 years old

Job : an employee at PT Teradata Indonesia as a Web Master staff and designer including UI/UX

Result : From the interview, we get SEQ 6.7 based on the ease of task level in the Jago Last Wish feature. When running the task, the flow runs fluently, no problems in there.

  1. On the first task (kalkulator), the respondent’s assessment is very helpful for the user to find out the monthly and annual premiums.
  2. On the second task (pendaftaran asuransi), the respondent’s assessment is, the payment frequency feature helps and is better for terms and conditions displayed in full and the user can put a tick at the end.
  3. And then, on the third task (pembuatan wasiat), the respondent’s assessment is sorting the list of notaries who are already good, but the requirements for uploading documents can be in other formats to make it easier for the user.
  4. Next, on the fourth task (edit wasiat), the respondent’s assessment is that editing will really help the user if there are changes, for example, bank heirs or maybe other big things and it would be better if the edit will format was changed to be more varied.
  5. On the fifth task (challenge), the respondent’s assessment is a challenge with other applications which is very informative.
  6. Next, On the sixth task (pembayaran), the respondent’s assessment is fingerprint verification here which is very useful for security.
  7. And on the seventh task (klaim asuransi), the respondent’s assessment is that the information and requirements are clear, but it would be better if the requirements uploaded were not only in pdf format.

He said, “for easy use in general terms, maybe some of the elements are lacking but don’t make the information less and destroy the others. So it can only be input. But overall okay”


At Jago last wish, the calculator is very helpful for calculating premium costs based on the sum insured. Overall, the UI is good from start to finish. A more diverse document format will further enhance the perfection of this last wish feature

Thank you for reading! Hopeful you enjoyed this case study. If you have any feedback, I’d like to hear from you✨

