5 Ways To Ruin Your Skin

Gem Adeyinka
5 min readJul 13, 2022


5 ways to ruin your skin by Gem Adeyinka

If you’ve ever wondered how to ruin your skin without much effort, this article is for you. Walking around with glowing and nice skin might not be your aim, and we respect that. While having good skin takes effort, maintaining it requires effort and consistency, and many people aren’t just cut out for that. So, if you’d like to ruin your skin without trying too hard, let’s get started. Here are 5 ways to ruin your skin.

Twice a day or never

Twice a day or never

Healthline and numerous dermatologists state that your skincare routine should be carried out twice a day, in the morning and night, but let’s face it: that’s not always possible. Work, responsibilities, and many other things compete for our time, from when we wake up to when we fall asleep.

One way you can destroy your skin is to ensure that if you forget to do your routine in the morning, you even things out by neglecting to do it at night. Opting for a “twice a day or never” routine ensures that neither the day nor night feels cheated.

Rather than making up for a forgotten routine, simply even things out. Not only are you fully depriving your skin of the nutrients it needs, but each full day without a morning or night routine adds a little effort to your goal of ruining your face. Keep up with this for a few months, and your skin will be dull and acne filled, just the way you want it.

Using What Just Anyone Recommends

Another nifty way to ruin your skin is by finding someone with good skin and copying their routine, product for product.

Surprised? Don’t be.

There are five skin types; dry, oily, normal, combination, and sensitive, and achieving good skin heavily depends on your understanding of your skin type. Doctor Jill S. Waibel, the founder of The Miami Dermatology and Laser Institute, states that one of the most common mistakes her clients make involves using the wrong products for their skin.

When you understand your skin type, you can create a routine that works for you specifically, taking other variables such as location and season into consideration. A routine for oily skin is designed to reduce and manage oil production. Can you imagine someone with dry skin using such a routine? This is the major reason the American Academy of Dermatology Association recommends using only products that match your needs.

People who want good skin ensure that they carefully consider who they take product recommendations from so they can be sure that the person has a similar skin type to theirs. If you want bad skin, don’t do this. Instead, use what everyone and anyone recommends.

Popping Pimples

Popping pimples

You wake up one morning and look in the mirror, and right there is a big juicy pimple. It has no white head and must have sprouted overnight.

Although Medical News Today recommends seeing a dermatologist to pop your pimple, that may not always be possible. So, what exactly can you do to the zit on your face? Do you:

A: Wait for days until there is a white head and an obvious opening, wash your hands and wrap them in clean tissues before painlessly pressing out the disgusting goo stuck in your pimple?


B: Get out your pimple-popping pins and anything you can reach to squeeze that unwanted visitor out of your skin?

Well, if glowing skin was your aim, Web MD states that option A should be your answer. But since bad skin is what you’re after, step B will work just fine. Just be sure to find something to bite down into while you do it because it will hurt, and it will hurt a LOT. But the acne scars that will develop from the too-early zit extraction will have your skin looking ugly and old in no time.

Touching Your Face

Your hands are rather useful contraptions. They are the go-to body part for contact with most things and even with other human beings.

Consequently, there’s no better way to transfer all the germs your hand has accumulated through constant contact than by touching your face. Full Spectrum Dermatology states that touching your face could clog your pores and lead to acne. This doesn’t mean that keeping your hands away will cure your acne, but it prevents the transmission of dirt and reduces the temptation to pick at your zits and scars, which would worsen them (per Nova Plastic Surgery).

However, since acne, zits, and scars will go a long way in your journey to ruin your face, you don’t have to resist the temptation. Simply raise your hand to your face, open your palm, and touch any part of your face for more than a second. If you’d like to go BIG, we’d suggest a facepalm. That way, you cover more area and give your face more germs in one touch.

Are we sure this will work? Positive! A study carried out in 2000 showed that the face is the most sensitive body part, irrespective of your skin type. In case you didn’t know, pimples form when clogged pores get a visit from bacteria. And while a trip to your local Center for Disease Control and Prevention might not get you the bacteria you need, you can do it on a budget and simply touch your face without washing your hands. It’s also a lot easier than constantly reminding yourself to keep your hands off your face.

Using The Same Towel

Using the same towel for your face and the rest of your body

Your body has a lot of parts, as you’ve probably figured out. Consequently, using the same towel to dry every other part of your body, including your face, is one great way to ruin your face.

This might not seem like a big deal to most, but it is. Board-certified dermatologist Lily Talakoub states that using the same towel for every part of your body can clog up your pores and cause acne (per Allure).

Remember that even if you clean your face first, using the same shared towel the next day is the same thing and will give your skin-destruction goal a boost.

As a bonus, rather than carefully and gently dabbing at your face to dry it, drag that towel around your face, making sure to give it a good second scrubbing. In no time, your face will sprout pimples, warts, and many other facial issues that will give you skin that even Snow White’s Evil Queen in her witch-form will be jealous of.

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Gem Adeyinka

Beauty & Lifestyle Writer. Pro Skin Therapist. Skincare obsessed. Contact me at gem.adeyinka.careers.@gmail.com :)