GemCave Token — Defi project — Solves inherent security risks of ALL NFTs with its new smart contract

GemCave Token
2 min readMar 2, 2022


Incredible Utility
GemCave Token, about to change the NFT marketplace

Anyone familiar with NFTs probably knows about the inherent security questions surrounding URL based and IPFS storage of the art content of an NFT. The fear is that in the future if a website or company storing the image or artwork source file goes out of business the source files could be lost as well. For this reason, even with assurances from those hosting the source files, NFT owners can still feel uncertainty about the security of their digital assets.
GemCave Token will be the first to market with a development in the technology that solves this security issue. Their unique platform will allow users to mint, buy and store NFTs completely on-chain. Completely on-chain. Even the image source file will be stored completely on the BSC blockchain. Releasing within the month, the GemCave NFT Platform will completely change the way NFTs are baked and stored.
GemCave Token will be necessary to mint and purchase the NFTs on their platform and is the BSC Token created by the GemCave project for this very utility. While GemCave has a suite of utilities already functional, the NFT platform will be a true market-changer. GemCave Token is backed by the GemCave Listing site, and the project utilities include casino-like games with real rewards for token holders to play daily. Future utilities include the NFT platform, as well as more games under development and a fully customizable Telegram Buy Bot that will report token purchases to Telegram groups.
With so many functioning utilities and more to be released shortly it is incredible that there is still more that this project offers! GemCave has a unique reflection pay-out system rewarding minimum amount purchases with a portion of the taxes collected on consecutive transactions! These reflection bonuses are part of the prize structure of the games, and are also rewards for users that are active in their support for the project or provide referrals to the listing site.

GemCave is also concerned about future stability and has already burned significant amounts of the tokens, and some are burned with every transaction. GemCave Tokens used to pay for minting NFTs will also be burned making this a hyper-deflationary token with enormous buy pressure. DYOR and check out or join the telegram for daily voice chats with the team and support assistance. TG:

