Not A Love Story: Finally Meeting the ONE and Letting Him Go

The one that got away…and will hopefully return to me someday.

Gemini May
Soul Magazine
Published in
7 min readJan 16, 2024


Couple embracing as shadows with sunset in the background
Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

Sadly, I now know the truth in that saying, if you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it is meant to be — and if they don’t, the love was never mine to begin with.

This is not a love story, but I hope that one day, it will have a happy ending.

I have always dreamt of that magical love, the fairytale meeting and happily ever after, as I am sure everyone has at one time or another.

Finding the ONE, or rather, he finding me. That one other human on earth that just understands me, the real me, without even needing to speak words. The one whom loves me unconditionally and wants to take care of me, whom I feel safe and secure with, supported and free to authentically be myself and explore and grow all of the parts of me and each other. The ultimate partner to complement and enhance our lives.

As far back as I can remember, I have always searched the eyes of every man I would meet. Sensing that I would just know when I met him. Looking for that recognition, that feeling of home and…



Gemini May
Soul Magazine

I write about love, life & learning as a Divine Feminine Starseed Twin Flame, mother, wife & marketer, ascending on the journey 🔥♾️🪐with unconditional LOVE ❤️