Did you Know Carbonado aka Black Diamonds?

3 min readOct 27, 2021


Carbonado aka Diamonds

Carbonado is often referred to as a black diamond, but this is not entirely true. Its crystals are matte, and when absorbing the sun’s rays falling on the gem, a satin sheen with a gold or platinum sheen appears. But if diamonds, turned by cutting into brilliant, are monolithic crystals, then Carbonado is a lot of small diamond crystals that are pressed into one conglomeration. But why isn’t it white or colorless?

In nature, sometimes there are spheroidal aggregates of similar diamonds up to 2 cm in diameter, painted in a greyish-white, greyish-yellow or grey color. Such formations are called “ballases” and are used as industrial raw materials.

In turn, Carbonado is composed not only of diamond dust, but also of other impurities, for example, graphite flakes, which give it its black color. It also contains other rare compounds of elements and even atomic hydrogen. All these data allow us to speak of Carbonado as an independent mineral.

The history of Carbonado

The concept of “Carbonado” was coined in the 18th century due to the similarity of a gem to coal.

According to one of the versions, the rock with its crystals ended up on our planet along with meteorites that were formed after the explosion of supernovae. This theory explains the fact that carbonados are usually found closer to the surface than kimberlite pipes are usually found.

There is another version that explains the formation of the mineral by physical and chemical processes that occur in rocks during volcanic eruptions. For example, similar samples were found in Kamchatka near theAvachinsky volcano.

What does a black diamond look like?

What black diamonds look like depends on its origin and structure. Ideally, this is a stone that has retained the inherent brilliance of a diamond and some transparency. However, most of the stones that are used for the production of jewelry are completely opaque and outwardly resemble hematite or obsidian. It is quite problematic to see a real black diamond that has not been artificially colored — most of these stones are in private collections. You can see them only at exhibitions and auctions, but these stones rarely change owners.

Prices for products made from Carbonado

The price of a Carbonado is determined according to the weight, color and cut of the sample. A top-notch piece costs about $ 500–600 per carat, while a medium-quality stone can be purchased for about $ 150 per carat. Small stones are priced at $ 10–20 per carat.

How much is a black diamond worth?

Once the price of a black diamond for 1 carat was no more than $ 10, but thanks to the efforts of maestro Gruosi, the value of these stones has jumped dozens of times. Now the cost of a black pique diamond with good characteristics and a GIA certificate is 1–3 thousand dollars per carat. Repainted and synthetic stones are somewhere in the order of magnitude cheaper, but much depends on the quality of the minerals. And black diamonds with a name and history are incredibly expensive: they are individually priced and sold only at auctions.

Even though the fashion for black diamonds has subsided a little in recent years, interest in these mysterious stones does not fade away. In the coming years, it may flare up with renewed vigor, and the prices for jewelry with black diamonds will rise to astronomical values.




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