Understanding the this keyword in JavaScript

An introduction to the this keyword and how its value is determined in different contexts.

Gemma Croad
4 min readJul 21, 2020
Three post it notes that read “you’ve got this!” on them

The this keyword in JavaScript is a core concept of the language and can cause confusion for beginners and more advanced developers alike. In this article, I am going to explain the this keyword, and its value in different use cases.

What is this?

Every time we run some JavaScript in a web browser, the engine executes multiple steps, one of them being the creation of an execution context. Execution context is an abstract concept, but it refers to the environment in which the code is evaluated and then executed.

Every execution context references an object and that object references the this keyword. The this keyword is a reference to the object which called the function. The value of this, therefore, depends on where it has been used.

Global context

In the global execution context, this refers to the global object, which in the case of the browser is called window.

console.log(this === window); // truevar colour = 'red';function getColour() {
var colour = 'purple';
console.log('colour', colour); // colour purple
console.log('this.colour', this.colour); // this.colour red

The getColour() function is called in the global scope, and the first colour variable is included in the global scope as well. If we console.log(this), the window method has a getColour() method and a colour property. When we call this.colour at this point, it will return red, but the local variable colour will return purple.

In this example, this refers to the window object so this.colour refers to the global colour property.

It’s worth noting that if JavaScript has strict mode enabled then this in global scope is undefined.

Object methods

In the instance of creating a new object using a constructor, the this keyword refers to the new instance of the object.

var firstName = 'Brad';
var lastName = 'Pitt';
function User(firstName, lastName) {
this.firstName = firstName;
this.lastName = lastName;
this.returnName = function() {
return `${this.firstName} ${this.lastName}`;
let newUser = new User('George', 'Clooney');console.log(newUser.returnName()); // George Clooney

When calling the returnUser() method, this will reference the newUser object which was created using the User constructor. The value will be George Clooney, not Brad Pitt, as we are using newUser object properties.

Inside functions

The use of this inside function calls can be confusing. A function in JavaScript is an object, it has its own properties and one of them is this. Its value depends on how it’s invoked.

var dogName = 'Snag';
var dogBreed = 'Dachshund';
function getDog() {
return `${this.dogName} the ${this.dogBreed}`;
var dog = {
dogName: 'Snuffles',
dogBreed: 'French Bulldog',
getDog: function() {
return `${this.dogName} the ${this.dogBreed}`;
console.log('Dog in global scope:', getDog()); // Dog in global scope: Snag the Dachshundconsole.log('Dog in object scope:', dog.getDog()); // Dog in object scope: Snuffles the French Bulldog

In this code there are two functions, one is in the global scope and the other is a dog object method. When we call the global scope version of getDog() we use the globally scoped variables Snag and Dachshund because the this keyword in the function refers to the global object. When we call the getDog() method of the dog object this refers to the dog object properties Snuffles and French Bulldog.

This demonstrates how we can get two different results using this in similar functions.

Arrow functions

Arrow functions are an exception to the above rules. They don’t have their own this. If we reference this inside of an arrow function it refers to the this from the outer context.

let user = {
name: 'Mario',
sayHi() {
name: 'Luigi';
let myFunction = () => console.log(`Hi ${this.name}!`);
user.sayHi(); // Hi Mario!

With events

With events, after we trigger an event we call the event handler. When we use the this keyword in an event handler it refers to the HTML element which triggered the function.

<button class="button myButton">Click</button>const button = document.querySelector('.myButton');button.addEventListener('click', function() {
console.log(this === button); // true


  • By default, this refers to the global object
  • In an object method, this refers to the object the method was called on
  • In a function, when JavaScript is not in strict mode, this refers to the global object
  • In a function, when in strict mode, this will be undefined
  • In an arrow function, this retains the value of the enclosing lexical context’s this
  • In a constructor call, this is bound to the new object that gets constructed
  • In an event handler, this is bound to the HTML element on which the listener is placed



Gemma Croad

Software Engineer, a11y and user advocate, experienced remote worker, creative coder, lover of all things front-end.