How to recognize the traits of a female covert narcissist.

Gemma M
6 min readApr 28, 2024

These tell-tell signs are immediate red flags that you may be dealing with a female covert narcissist.

Covert narcissists do not display the same behaviours as their counterparts — the overt narcissists. They are far more fragile and although the same core needs are embedded in them, they are not so obvious in their behaviours. Coverts are not as ‘brash’ or ‘in your face.’ They source ‘supply’ differently.

Below are some examples of how a typical female covert narcissist portrays herself:

She plays the victim. Female narcissists always play the victim. They will give you tales of woe to evoke your sympathy and empathy. They thrive on others validating that they are good people and are used and abused by others because of their good nature.

She will tell you that most of her exes were crazy or toxic. This is one of the biggest things to look out for. My ex-narc told me that her last long-term relationship was with a woman who was ‘crazy’ and her ex-husband was abusive. She neglected to mention the emotional abuse she had heaped on her ex-girlfriend and the fact she was sleeping with anyone with an orifice while married to her ex-husband — including his friends!

She is very promiscuous and has never been in a monogamous relationship. A female covert narcissist uses sex and her sexuality as a source of supply. They will usually justify why they are unable to be monogamous, but take this as a massive red flag…



Gemma M

NLP trauma informed coach and professional writer specialising in narcissistic abuse, C-PTSD, toxic relationships and childhood trauma.