What is a narcissistic collapse in vulnerable narcissism and how might it impact upon you?

Gemma M
4 min readJan 21, 2024

A narcissistic collapse is an intense emotional reaction to anticipated or experienced humiliation and failure.

The covert narcissist has two core needs:

  • Narcissistic supply
  • Preservation of their idealized self and false reality

The narcissist’s grandiosity in vulnerable or covert narcissism is expressed through their ideal, false self which protects them from their fragile self-esteem, lack of sense of self, and extreme inner shame of never feeling good enough. For a covert narcissist, their grandiosity is hidden from the naked eye but manifests as their need for attention, validation, admiration, and sympathy.

Someone or something that threatens their fake image and their false reality can trigger a narcissistic collapse.

Triggers may be mild or extreme such as these:

  • Not responding to a text or voicemail right away
  • Saying “no”
  • Ending a conversation abruptly
  • Setting a firm boundary
  • Correcting them
  • Providing constructive feedback
  • Wanting to improve the relationship



Gemma M

NLP trauma informed coach and professional writer specialising in narcissistic abuse, C-PTSD, toxic relationships and childhood trauma. gemmamtherapy@gmail.com