9 things I’d tell my younger self:

Gemma Phelan
2 min readJul 16, 2018


  1. Your life is a series of decisions. You are completely in control so make decisions that’ll get you closer to your goals. But, most importantly, decide to be happy with what you have and where you are right now. It really is that simple.
  2. Not everyone will like you. This is nothing to do with you and everything to do with them and their life experiences. It’s OK, you won’t have time to be friends with everyone anyway.
  3. The way you think and feel about things changes. You will need to be a different you for different phases of your life. Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself.
  4. It’s OK not to specialise in something or to follow a conventional career path. Explore many avenues. Expand your skillset. Build something. Fail. Pick yourself up. Start a new adventure. Follow whatever path you feel is right at the time and stop doing anything that makes you unhappy (no matter how much they pay you).
  5. Find great mentors to learn from. Don’t spend time trying to work things out for yourself, model someone who’s already doing it. It’s the quickest way to get there.
  6. Your parents are the best friends you’ll ever have. Treasure every single day you get to spend with those beautiful human beings.
  7. The people in charge are bat shit crazy. You cannot trust the adults to take care of things, make sensible decisions or do the right thing. Be prepared to be pissed off by this and always do your best to make things better.
  8. If you want something, ask for it. You are 100% responsible for what you do and don’t get in life. This is your ride, grab the handlebars and take control.
  9. Be kind to people and help people out when you can. The connections you make when you’re being the best you will last forever.



Gemma Phelan

Lead Product Manager and gender diversity co-chair at Hargreaves Lansdown. Ex-GDS. User-centred design. Agile delivery. Choosing what not to do.