Gemstones from India: Why they’re So Affordable

3 min readJun 21, 2022


India is one of the most well-known gemstone suppliers in the world, and it’s easy to see why! The country has some of the best gemstones in the world, and they’re also some of the most affordable, which means that you can save money while still getting the highest quality stones. Check out this guide to learn more about India’s affordable gemstones and where to get them.

Gemstones in India date back thousands of years

Gems in India date back thousands of years, with many precious stone varieties mined in one of the world’s oldest mines. Gemstones like amethyst, garnet, ruby, and sapphire were highly prized by royalty and commoners alike in ancient times. Today, India is still a major producer of fine gems — and it’s also one of the most affordable places to buy gemstones. There are several reasons why Indian gems are so inexpensive. For starters, there are large amounts of high-quality stones available for mining; which means there’s no shortage of raw materials for processing.

A history of gemstones in India

India is one of the oldest producers of gemstones in history. While some historians date India’s gemstone production back to 4,000 BC, evidence suggests it may have even started a few centuries earlier. Regardless of its exact origins, India has been mining and producing gemstones for thousands of years — and it continues to do so today. The country remains an important player in global markets. The Indian government currently regulates over 40% of all rough-diamond trade worldwide.

The growth and development of gems in modern times

Today, an ever-increasing number of consumers are becoming interested in gemstone rings and jewelry. As a result, many stone manufacturers have developed their own branded items. Some may call into question why certain stones are more affordable than others. For instance, why would a blue sapphire cost less than a diamond, Because of where it was mined or because of other factors? The answer is simply: Because it comes from India. That country has long been recognized as one of the leading producers of all types of gems.

Why Are Indian Gems Discounted

Indian gemstones are discounted for several reasons. While part of it is seasonal, there are a variety of other factors that come into play. One factor may be simply how close an item is to market. A piece sold directly out of its cutting facility or showroom is likely to have lower costs associated with bringing it to market than if it has traveled long distances, stored in inventory, and so on. Another factor is quality. Many Indian gems are produced using low-cost labor and less expensive materials, which allow them to price their items at more affordable rates. It also means that these gems do not meet all of today’s standards for cut, color, and clarity but can still be beautiful pieces with unique histories behind them.


From birth, we are always near diamonds. Diamonds are formed deep within Earth’s mantle and then brought to the surface over millions of years by volcanic eruptions. The oldest diamonds ever found in nature are estimated to be 3.5 billion years old! Naturally, we have developed some pretty strong opinions about these glittering rock chunks; hence, their astronomical prices on earth. It is only when we start thinking out of our circle that we discover these beautiful wholesale gemstone beads at very reasonable prices on earth.




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