Planetary Aspects in Birth Chart That Bring Wealth

3 min readSep 7, 2017


One’s prosperity and wealth can be predicted through the study of the 2nd and 11th house of one’s kundali or birth chart. If there are strong planets in these two houses of your birth chart, irrespective of your present financial status, things will be worked out by destiny in your favour and you will be showered with wealth before long.

Moreover, the 4th and 10th house of your horoscope are also believed to be favourable for profits, and astrologers analyze them in detail to find out material prosperity. Successful people and businessmen seek a proper analysis of these houses, as they are eager to make an added push of fortune in their favour.

Mukesh Ambani, who is a billionaire, has a strong aspect of Saturn-Mars in the 2nd house of his birth chart. And Bill Gates has a combination of Moon-Mars in 2nd and 11th houses, which made him the world’s richest man.

Some other favourable combinations in the birth chart bringing financial gains are:

Monetary gains are indicated by the 11th house in the kundali. The income will be governed by the rashi as well as rashi lord of this house. When both of them are strong, or you have a benefic planet like Moon, Jupiter etc, aspecting this house, you will be able to earn a decent living. But if this house is aspected by malefic planets, your income sources are likely to be unprincipled or questionable.

Likewise, if the 11th house lord sits in other favourable houses such as 1st, 5th or 9th or along with benefic planets, it is favourable for decent income. If in your horoscope you have positive Saturn and Mars, aspecting 11th house, you will get immense wealth. But if you have both benefic and malefic planets placed in the 11th house, you will get mixed results.

The combinations of the planets Mercury, Venus and Jupiter in the 11th house can also make an individual rich if he has conductive mahadasha, antar dasha and gochar or transitions. When the 2nd house owner sits in 4th, the individual will earn through inheritance and property. But in case it sits in the 11th house, he will gain position and wealth by means of a memorable career.

When the lord of 2nd and 11th house is found to aspect each other reciprocally, it results in financial gains. Bill Gate’s horoscope has Mangal yog, that is, the lord of 2nd house Moon and the lord of 11th house Mars are sitting opposed to each other.

However, when the owner of 2nd, 5th, 7th or 11th house is found to be seated in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house or with the house lord, the individual will suffer monetary losses or face problems with loans.

Besides, yogas such as Laksmi Yog, Neechbhang Rajyog, and Vipreet Rajyog may also shower a lot of prosperity on a person. But, you must consult an experienced astrologer because planets go on changing in the chart in accordance with vimshottri dasha and gochar. Accurate results can be obtained only when these advanced details are inspected.

Important features to search for in the birth chart to determine money potential:

· The 2nd house condition determines an individual’s personal assets. The astrologer has to study the planets to be found in the house along with their aspects. The 2nd house ruler and its position through sign, aspect and house are also to be examined.

· The 8th house condition is to be studied for an individual’s accumulated assets acquired by means of partnership or marriage. Planets in the house and their aspects, along with the 8th house ruler and its position by house, sign and aspect are also to be examined.

· The 11th house condition will show an individual’s accumulated assets made through career and business.

· The condition of the normal ruler of the 2nd house Venus, and the expansion planet Jupiter are to be seen. In addition, the signs Sagittarius and Taurus may be looked for to see where they can be found.

To sum up, the 2nd house rules ownerships and ways of thinking towards money. The 8th house rules accumulated money acquired through marriage or partnership. The 11th house rules accumulated money made through career and business.

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