Phone Calls from Family

Genesis Hernandez
2 min readMar 21, 2018

Ever hear your phone ring, go check it, and roll your eyes? Yup, it’s a relative calling!

Family is great, of course, but there are times when you know it isn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. When all they’re calling for is to complain. After a long day of work, those aren’t the greatest phone calls, and it is absolutely okay to not pick up the phone. Even when I do answer, I’ve learned to cut people off. Whether it be lying to them about needing to get back to my responsibilities, “Didn’t you say you were watching Netflix”, or telling the truth.

Yes, ignoring the call altogether would be much easier, but that can’t always be your go-to option, or they’ll worry and call even more.

The best way to answer is to mention early on in the conversation that you are in the middle of an activity. The response to “How are you?” is “Goodgetting ready to jump in the shower, about to start cooking, or doing some homework.” Nothing too crazy, or they’ll just opt to call you back later when you’re free. At least this way, you would have answered the call, and can have a conversation with them, but not stay on too long that you end up arguing.

Also, don’t be instantly irritated when answering the phone. Yes, we’re all exhausted from long days, and have busy lives to get back to, but if you are instantly annoyed when answering they…

