This Google sheet’s trick can save you days

Evgeny Khoroshilov
2 min readJan 30, 2018


That story is real and my shame is true — I didn’t know that. For those who struggle (or some day will) with managing images in Google sheets aka Excel — this tip is for you.

Problem: you need to manage large amounts of pics in Google sheets specifically, as it’s a nice web service with shared access and it allows filtering, sorting and many other table-related manipulations with data.
Or you practically have to use it sometimes 😐

I tried and failed, but long story short — IMAGE() to the rescue:

UI inventory demo

Filtering applied:

UI inventory demo — filtering

What happens in the Image column:

Function takes url column value as an argument. And that’s it.
There are 3 more optional arguments (mode, width, height) that control image resizing and cropping, but I’d say they are not much of a help in this situation.

This approach may not work out at scale or intricate setting,
but it’s super handy for the rapid setup.

Of course utility column may be hidden away to clear the view:

UI inventory demo — clear

Documentation and examples can be found here:

For demo purposes I used vuetifyjs:

Taking screenshots:
(very simplistic, but puts image url to a clipboard immediately)

Have a nice inventory!



Evgeny Khoroshilov

Designer, Developer, Tech Manager, Design Systems architect and Design Tokens enthusiast.