What are the Advantages & Disadvantages of chemotherapy treatment?

Nirmal Patel
2 min readDec 26, 2017


Chemotherapy treatment is considered the most effective way of treating a cancer patient with different types of carcinoma, by targeting cancer cells for termination, thereby stopping the spread or slowing the cancer cell from growing. Chemotherapy, which is also termed as chemo, can help a cancer patient live longer and even cure a cancer patient in the early detection stages. It is, however, important to note that everything also comes with its downers and chemotherapy treatment has a number of advantages and disadvantages.

If you are concerned about having chemotherapy, either for you or your family or friend, it is important to weigh the pros and cons before approving therapy. You also would need to consult your doctor, to see what best suits the need and type of drug treatment for cancer victims. When it comes to cancer, you need not worry about the chemotherapy treatment with the added side effects that tailgate along. Just remember that chemotherapy treatment in India is now well developed using the latest technology and drug enhancement that can actually help constrain the side effects making your treatment, a more progressive and healthier.

In cancer patients, Chemotherapy treatment can be given to all those who suffer from early-stage cancer, as a method to reduce the risk of it reoccurring. If cancer has reached a much more advanced stage, then the concept for the treatment is based to control the cancer cells and reduce the speed of spreading. This helps the patient to enjoy a longer life, without the symptoms of cancer and help prolong the function of the body. Again, we need to stress that the designated assigned treatment of chemotherapy, varies from patient to patient and is best judged by a professional doctor, who would prescribe the best treatment for your case.

Advantages of Chemotherapy:

· In early stages can completely kill the cancer cells.

· Other times chemotherapy can help slow down the spread and even shrink the cancer cells.

· Reduces the chances of the cancer formation or return after surgery.

· Targeted therapy to help only fight the cancer cells.

· Chemotherapy can help surgery made possible by removing the dead cells and diminishing the spread.

Disadvantages of Chemotherapy:

· Certain side effects may occur.

· Regular mandatory visits to continue therapy, which can be tedious for a patient.

· Recovery can differ from patient to patient.

· Treatment may not help all cancer patients.

Many healthy cells can be damaged that border the cancer cells. (However, they can also be regenerated) r check-ups and consult your doctor before panicking since expert advice can help provide the best treatment therapy. Side effects can be treated with medication so you need not grieve about

It is advisable to conduct regular check-ups and consult your doctor before panicking since expert advice can help provide the best treatment therapy. Side effects can be treated with medication so you need not grieve about that. It is important to remember that chemotherapy is your highest prospect to live longer so it is always your best option.

