Bonanno Crime Family Hitman Thomas “Karate” Pitera

Orlando Camacho
7 min readSep 26, 2018

Pitera was born on December 2, 1954, whole he was a kid he was a victim to being bullied, and this made Pitera into the mean and sadistic person he became as an adult. Pitera grew up in the Gravesend part of Brooklyn. Pitera grew up a shy kid, and he was often bullied and beaten.

The years of beating and abuse turn Pitera into a cold blooded person. In Junior high he started watching martial arts movies, and he soon asked his parents to put him in Karate classes. He studied karate similar to how a monk studies their craft. His confidence soon grew, and he no longer was the shy timid kid in the school.

Pitera always admired the mobsters who hung out in the local socials clubs in the social clubs located around Gravesend. He admired the respect they commanded, and the wealth. In 1964 he entered a karate tournament; he faced 7 opponents and destroyed each one. He won a yearlong scholarship to study karate in Japan. Soon after the scholarship was over he stayed in Japan continuing his study of the martial art, and becoming more skilled and disciplined. He often studied books about the history of the Samurai warriors. While in Japan he worked at a chopstick factory and adopted the ways of the people from Japan. Thomas Pitera returned to New York City in 1976, he was build rock solid with muscle, he was very disciplined, and he was no one to be messed with.

Pitera started to hang out at local bars in Gravesend, often being around local mobsters. Tommy met Anthony Bruno Indelicato…

