Career Cheat Codes I Swear By (Pt. 1)

It’s time to change the way you think about money, time, and your career. These are some of the best hacks I’ve picked up during my time in corporate and startups.

Gen She
2 min readAug 14, 2023
  1. Job hopping is the easiest way to get paid more. Pulling off a salary negotiation is much harder.
  2. Money is much better spent buying freedom of time to upskill and advance in your career rather than on materialistic things like clothes or makeup.
  3. When your hourly pay is more than the cost of the convenience you paid for, you’re actually making money with your time.
    For example: you make $30/hr and it costs you $20 to DoorDash food instead of spending an hour cooking for yourself (unless cooking is a replenishing activity for you 😄)
  4. Working at a startup is an easy way to transition into a new role. There is so much chaos at a startup, you can just sneak on over to a different role and reframe your resume accordingly.
  5. Never say, “I’m looking to make [x amount of money]” in an interview. Instead say, “I’m currently interviewing for offers at [x amount]”.
  6. Spend as much time talking about the work you’re doing as doing the work itself — that’s how you get promoted! 😉
  7. Always have a side hustle. If you let your 9 to 5 define you, you’ll get burnt out very quickly.
  8. Being the first one in and last one out the office is a GREAT way to be taken advantage of. Work smart, not hard.

Did I miss any? Share any career hacks you know!

Author: Avni Barman. Find me on TikTok and Instagram for more.



Gen She

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