Weekly Update October 23 — Airdrop Update, Donations, Exchanges and More!

Genesis Coin
4 min readOct 24, 2017


It’s been a busy few days for Genesis and our small team as we officially opened the doors for the community to get their hands on Genesis Coin. On Thursday the first airdrop went live and the interest we received far exceeded our expectations. Not only that, but the support the community has shown for Genesis has been out of this world and we strongly feel that we couldn’t have asked for a better start, let alone a better community.

Moving forward, we will have a weekly update which will be published every Monday detailing what we’ve been up to and keeping you informed on what’s going on. So without further ado, let’s get stuck in to this week’s update.

Airdrop Update

Our first airdrop had only 625 places up for grabs and within a matter of hours we had received in excess of 3500 applications. It was overwhelming for us and unfortunately we weren’t able to close the form before we had already far exceeded the available places. As a result, we’re aware that there are thousands of disappointed people who completed the form but didn’t receive an airdrop. For that we apologise but it’s a learning curve for us. When our next airdrop goes live, we’ll ensure that the form is closed as close as possible to hitting the limit.

All of our airdrops are done on a first come, first serve basis so time really is of the essence if you want to claim an airdrop. Everyone who successfully applied in time for our first airdrop should now have received all of their coins. This was completed in the early hours of Saturday morning.

We added every address that got an airdrop to a spreadsheet that you can see here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16y0U3ZhkILfpG1amS-uEuGHSUa4H5sAO4f-jts62y9I/

Second Airdrop Announcement

Our second airdrop will start on October 31 and will go live at 18.00 GMT. We will continue to post reminders about the airdrop right up until the time it starts. However the form will not open until 18.00 GMT.

Below we have listed some times that the form will unlock depending on your region.

UK: 18.00

Central Europe: 19.00

East Coast (USA): 13.00

West Coast (USA): 11.00

Indonesia 01.00

The announcement thread on Bitcointalk will be updated with some new details and will include the link to the Airdrop form. The second airdrop will have 750 places and will be issued on a first come, first serve basis. Each successful applicant will receive 3000 Genesis Coins each.

Airdrops will start being dropped on November 1 with all successful applicants receiving their airdrop by November 3.


To help fund the Genesis project, we are accepting donations with any contributions made to us receiving Genesis Coins as a thank you. We decided to make only 500,000 Genesis Coins available for donations however.

Since Friday October 21, we have received a total of 4 Ether in donations with a total of 170,000 Genesis Coins being distributed as a thank you. That means that only 330,000 Genesis Coins are left for donations. The current reward for donating is as follows:

1 Ether = 40,000 Genesis Coins

We’re aware that for 1 Ether, you could purchase more Genesis Coins than is offered by us on EtherDelta. However we have decided to keep this value as donations are used to help fund Genesis and should not be seen as a way to purchase Genesis Coins cheaply. It’s a way for anyone to support us who wishes to.

All donations will be put towards development, marketing, graphics and hiring freelancers when required. You can track any donations made here: https://etherscan.io/address/0xed5d389F33Cde90193e60265d79c4b03fb127140


Genesis Coin is currently trading on EtherDelta as an official token. If you would like to trade Genesis Coins, you can do so by visiting EtherDelta.

In addition to EtherDelta, we have also made initial enquiries to begin the process of being added to more exchanges. We can’t state what exchanges we have contacted just yet but we hope to be able to share some good news soon!

To help us get on to more exchanges, we need the community’s help! The biggest factor for being added to an exchange is interest and demand for a certain coin. To help us, we encourage all of our community members to promote Genesis as much as possible. Trading Genesis on EtherDelta also increases our volume which attracts more interest and shows demand for Genesis.

In the future, we will look to get listed on CoinMarketCap.com. The requirement is to have a trading volume of $10,000 USD. We’re confident that in the future we will reach this volume but we need the community to help!

If you any suggestions for an exchange, you can head over to this thread on our subreddit and share your thoughts. The exchange must support ERC20 tokens however.

Graphics & Re-design

We’re currently looking at hiring a graphics designer to create us an eye-catching and modern coin logo for Genesis. We are already in discussions and hope to have something to show you guys by the time of the next airdrop.

A logo is our priority however other graphics will be made over the next few weeks.

A community member from our telegram group, @ejrm889, has also made a template signature banner for anyone who wishes to promote Genesis in their signature on a forum and claim a bounty for doing so. You can download the banner below:

Thank you for tuning into this week’s update. We’ve got more exciting stuff to share with you next week!

