Weekly Update October 30 — Second Airdrop, Revamped Bounties, New Team Members, Graphics & More!

Genesis Coin
6 min readOct 31, 2017


It’s been another busy week for Genesis as we prepare for the upcoming airdrop. You’ll be pleased to know that everything is now in place and ready to go as soon as the clock strikes 6pm UK time on Tuesday October 31, or as a lot of people prefer to call it, Halloween!

Let’s get stuck into this week’s update.

Second Airdrop

In preparation for the second airdrop, we released a blog post last week that aimed to answer as many questions about the upcoming airdrop as possible. We get a lot of the same questions asked over and over again and most of the answers can be found be reading the posts that we put up and share on our social media channels. You can read this post here if you want to know more about the second airdrop.

The second airdrop will drop 2,250,000 Genesis Coins to the community with 750 participants receiving 3000 GEN each. As always, it’s a first come, first serve policy so if you’re not in there quick, you may miss out. The spreadsheet will be updated with the list of addresses that have been successful and will also show the progress of the airdrops being delivered.

However to make this airdrop fairer and to try to eliminate duplicate and fake accounts as much as possible, we have added several new requirements that must be fulfilled in order to qualify for an airdrop. These can be found on Bitcointalk.org which will be the main way to apply for the airdrop. They are as follows:

1) You are only eligible to take part in one Airdrop phase and one Airdrop phase only. Anyone found applying more than once will not receive any further Genesis Coins. If you are unsuccessful. you are able to apply for a future airdrop. This rule only applies if you received coins already in our airdrop.

2) BitcoinTalk Accounts Must Have Been Created Before October 18! Any accounts newer than this will not be accepted.

3) DO NOT post your Ethereum Address as a reply. It is against the rules and you will not receive your airdrop!

4) You need to reply to the thread and it must be a constructive post.

5) You must join our telegram group https://t.me/joinchat/EnbX8Q9P5b34lnomjt06Nw

6) You must follow us on twitter and ‘retweet’ atleast 1 post from the Genesis handle. https://twitter.com/thegenesiscoin

7) You must put your ETH Public address in the ‘location’ field of your Bitcointalk profile page. This address must match the address you submit in the airdrop form.

Once you have completed all steps, APPLY for Airdrop here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1c9J_AUtMB9eGr1xu3–7qpnIGW8OUrFiddGSJ6tnsOI/

Follow the progress of the Airdrop and see if you were successful by checking here:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/16y0U3ZhkILfpG1amS-uEuGHSUa4H5sAO4f-jts62y9I

Any applications that do not meet all of these requirements will not receive an airdrop. Good luck to everyone and we look forward to welcoming more people to the Genesis community!

Revamped Bounties

In addition to the tweaking the airdrop, our bounty program has also been revamped. We did this as we felt that the old bounty program was easy to abuse and ultimately didn’t give the project the kind of exposure and advertisement that it needed.

Firstly, there is a brand new signature bounty with templates that members can use.

The signature bounty campaign will run from the start of the airdrop on October 31 until November 9, a day before the next airdrop is due to start. As you’ll see below, you’ll earn GEN based on how many days you have worn the signature and your rank.


*Junior Member: 5 GEN per Day
*Member: 8 GEN per Day
*Full member: 10 GEN per Day
*Senior member: 15 GEN per Day
*Hero member: 20 GEN per Day
*Legendary member: 25 GEN per Day

Rules And Terms:
1.) You must make minimum 1 constructive post per day on any thread on BCT.
2.) Low quality posts, spamming, copied posts will not be accepted.
3.) Counted posts must be atleast 12 words long.
4.) Applicants with negative feedback will NOT be accepted.
5.) If accepted, you must wear signature until campaign is declared over.

How to apply:

Wear the correct signature and apply here https://goo.gl/forms/GyDrFnBuH6HmSRpV2

To view the signature templates, go to our ANN thread here.

The other bounties you can claim are for producing articles and YouTube videos. There are three different tiers of rewards for each one based on the quality of the article or video. This will be decided by us.

Standard Quality: 200 GEN
Good Quality: 400 GEN
High Quality: 600 GEN

Rules And Terms:
1.) Article must be specifically written for this bounty.
2.) Must be original and not copied from ANN or Genesis website.
3.) Must have minimum of two links to genesis website and ANN thread.
4.) Must be available publicly to everyone who wishes to read it.

Standard Quality: 500 GEN
Good Quality: 1000 GEN
High Quality: 1500 GEN

Rules And Terms:
1.) Video must be your own creation and be original.
2.) Must have minimum 75 subscribers
3.)Video must highlight our project in a positive way


Unfortunately there are no more Twitter bounties available as it was being abused and as it’s been added as a requirement for the airdrop, it is no longer needed. We may add further bounties in the future so feel free to leave suggestions.

As always, if you feel you can offer a service that would be beneficial to us, please get in touch and we can go from there.

New Team Members

We’re pleased to announce the addition of two new team members who have joined the team permanently. In addition to that, I’m sure you’ve noticed a few of the mods on our Telegram channel as well.

The first member who has joined the team is “llyfee” who most of you on Telegram will hopefully know. He has brought a lot of knowledge and new ideas to the project and we’re delighted to be able to welcome him onto our team. He will continue in his role as a Mod on Telegram and will be available to help answer any questions or queries anyone has.

Not only that, but llyfee has contributed heavily to the ANN thread and will help us in distributing the airdrops and bounties to successful applicants. This should help ensure that the process for both is a lot smoother and crucially, quicker.

The second member who has joined the team is “MegaDriver” who joins us as our Community Manager. He will be working closely with the community, answering questions, generating interest, starting discussions and doing all the kinds of things you’d expect from a Community Manager. He will be introducing himself to the community shortly.


It’s been suggested several times that we should look to improve our “graphic” game and we definitely agree! Therefore we’ve got two new logos to show off which will be used on our social media profiles and future graphics moving forward.

The first logo is for the Genesis project as a whole:

The second logo represents the Genesis Coin.


Work on the Genesis Voting app has started in a very primitive form. Research and brainstorming is still ongoing as to how exactly we want the voting app to work and what’s the best way to achieve this. There’s not a lot to report on this front but we will have more details in the future.

What I can say is that at its core, the voting app will enable holders of Genesis Coin to vote on matters regarding Genesis. This will give the community a meaningful voice moving forward and ensure that you are play a role in the direction of Genesis.

While the distribution of coins is still ongoing, work on the app will be limited with development expected to be cranked up a notch or two once all airdrops have been completed. In that sense, the current 2017 Roadmap is a good reflection of what’s going on right now.

