10 Headline Hacks: Unlock the Secrets to Creating Click-Worthy Titles

The Ultimate Guide to Crafting Irresistible Headlines

Genesis Davies
5 min readMay 26, 2023
Photo by Aidan Bartos on Unsplash

Headlines are everything when it comes to writing. Without a killer headline, no one will click on your content. Without clicks, all those carefully crafted words will be read by exactly no one.

That doesn’t mean you need to write clickbait headlines all the time, but it does mean you should master the art of capturing the reader’s attention. That’s what we’re going to look at today.

1. Pose a Question to Make Them Think

It’s human nature to answer questions. And if they don’t have the answer, they want to know it. Why do you think quizzes are so darn popular? Everyone needs to know which Friends character they are!

When your headline asks a question, it can make readers curious. They click to find out the answer. Make sure your question leaves them guessing so they HAVE to read to find out what they want to know.

Example: “Are You Making These Common Freelancing Mistakes?”

2. Build Urgency Into Your Headline

Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

FOMO is a real thing and if you incorporate that into your headlines, you’ll find you get more readers. Ideally, you want the reader to feel that they have to take immediate action.

Use words like now, today, immediately, and instantly, and don’t miss out.

Example: “Don’t Miss Out! Learn the Secrets to Boosting Your Writing Income Today!”

3. Incorporate Power Words

Certain words evoke strong emotions in our minds. These are words that work well in headlines and can really boost your readership.

What makes a power word? One that makes you FEEL something or that showcases a really powerful benefit. Words like amazing, essential, proven, or ultimate.

Example: “The Ultimate Guide to Creating Amazing Headlines”

4. Use Provocative Adjectives

Adjectives make your headlines pop. They give readers an idea of what to expect, but in a more interesting manner. Saying something like Techniques to Write Headlines won’t capture many clicks. But add a few adjectives and you have something far more exciting, like Powerful Techniques to Write Clickworthy Headlines.

Example: “Secret Methods to Boost Traffic That Successful Freelancers Use”

5. Showcase the Key Benefit

Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

What will readers get from reading your article or book? What benefit will they reap? You should know this before you even write the piece. For example, this article will help you write better headlines. You are basically promising your readers a result in the title.

Example: “Instantly Improve Your Click-Through Rates with Better Headlines”

6. Use Numbers in Your Title

Let’s face it, numbers capture people’s attention. If I tell you I can teach you to write faster, that’s okay, but lots of people will just keep scrolling. If I say, I can teach you to write 2,000 words in 60 minutes? That’s far more exciting!

Numbers grab attention and they get you those clicks. So consider making your headlines numerical.

Example: “10 Tips for Creating Irresistible Headlines”

7. Make It Personal

Tailor your title to your target audience. You can actually use this to repurpose content, as well. Simply aim it at a different audience.

The first step is to identify your target audience. Who is your ideal reader? What do they do in life? What do they need? What problems are they facing? All of these questions will help you determine how to focus your article title.

Your audience may be something like:

  • Freelancers
  • Lawyers
  • Artists
  • Single Dads
  • Stay at Home Moms
  • Grads

Example: “Incredible Methods to Earn More Money as a Stay at Home Mom”

8. Be Controversial in Your Headline

Photo by Afif Ramdhasuma on Unsplash

People love to argue, especially online. I know some people who literally write only controversial content so they can get more engagement. It’s not a bad technique!

There are a couple of ways to use this. First, you can be super controversial by writing about your opinions on abortion, politics, etc. Second, you can just make it SOUND controversial but then provide some serious value.

Example: “Everything You Know About Freelance Writing is False”

9. Add Some Trigger Words

No, not something that will cause people to have PTSD flashbacks. These are triggers for curiosity. Humans are as curious as the fabled cat and we like to know what’s what, even if it means taking an extra five minutes out of our day.

Words that trigger curiosity include things like surprising, secret, unveiled, insider, etc.

Example: “5 Secret Methods for Better Traffic Unveiled”

10. Learn What Your Audience Resonates With

Not all of these techniques work for every audience. Some people really hate controversial headlines. Others are totally against any kind of secret being revealed. You have to test and analyze your headlines. See what gets more clicks and what works for your audience.

Writing is a skill and like any skill, it requires practice. The more headlines you write, the better you’ll get at them.

What kind of headline do you like to write?

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Genesis Davies

Freelance writer, author, and ghostwriter. Follow me for tips on building your writing career and making money online.