How to prepare your child for future?

Priya Jatoliya
2 min readFeb 2, 2018


In a time where there is cut throat competition all around, it is natural for children to feel the pressure from a young age. The need to stay atop in the academic realm is difficult. Moreover, there are demands from parents who want their children to excel in every sphere. Children can excel only when they walk an extra mile and build on constructive habits early on. One of the major roles that a parent has to play this while is to make an effort and help in instil those practical habits.

When children develop these habits, they not only build on their personality holistically but also are developing behavioural skills that will help in the long run. Let us take a look what makes the difference once good habits are developed:

Inculcating the habit of reading

Many parents would argue that reading novels or anything out of syllabus is waste of time but that’s not true. A child focuses on studies better when they have developed a reading habit. One of the best ways to introduce them to reading is to give them simple poems, rhymes and short stories books. As a parent, you could read to your child and later on ask them to start on their own. Reading habit definitely goes a long way. The command over the language augments and writing skills get advanced too. Reading gives a sense of confidence as well. There are many international day schools in Delhi that have rich libraries for all age groups in which your child can be enrolled to start the reading habit.

Focus on hobbies

A school’s facilities make a huge difference in a young child’s life. Along with developing reading habits, there are extracurricular activities and hobbies that go beyond the academics. Many parents often focus on studies but helping them to build on different kinds of extracurricular like theatre, dance and music can inculcate important life skills that will be advantageous in every child’s life. For e.g. -team spirit and adjusting abilities. Hence, children must be pushed to pursue their creative interests. There are several day care centres in Noida and NCR region that push students to pursue their hobbies.

A right school

Enrolling your kid to the best boarding schools in the city should be an aim as a parent. Don’t get deterred by the distance between home and school and always pick the school that actually motivates children to perform their best and also have exceptional facilities to offer.

Give your children a chance to shine and support them children all through their journey.



Priya Jatoliya

I am a blogger and writing various topic online. Currently I am writing about education domain like the advantage of boarding school and many more.