We successfully concluded Genesis Hack with 4600 Registrations, 22 teams, and 7 blockchain-ready projects

Genesis DevCon
6 min readNov 4, 2019


After months (and months) of preparation, we successfully concluded Genesis Hack with a finale that took place on 19 & 20 October at Tech Mahindra, Bangalore. The hackathon brought together over 50 aspiring developers and entrepreneurs to compete and win the prize money. The Genesis Hack finale hosted a savant mentorship+judging panel with individuals who are distinguished by their work in the blockchain technology space.

Day 1

We kicked off Day 1 of Genesis Hack with the hackathon where the teams began to fine-tune their projects and prepared for the mentor sessions. The mentors spoke to the teams to get to know them better and learn about their projects. The teams presented their projects along with their proof of concept and the mentors provided them with feedback to help them present their projects for the pitch sessions that will take place on Day 2.

After a break for lunch, each of the judges had a one-on-one session to test the teams based on the readiness of their projects to hit the markets. Following this, seven out of 22 teams were shortlisted for day 2 of the Genesis Hack Finale. Here’s a summary of the seven teams that qualified for Day 2.

dApp Track


XConnect — a one man show created by Rahul Gorai — sought to create a platform for buyers and sellers from various industry verticals to connect directly without any middlemen. It uses a decentralized method to form a peer to peer network of the sellers and buyers, rather producers and consumers.


Trinetra is a scalable solution to detect and validate traffic violations in real-time on mobile phones through blockchain-enabled gamification & AI. The data is crowd-sourced such that people can take pictures of traffic violations and add the same to the blockchain. Validated violations are stored on the Blockchain. This universal blockchain is maintained by relevant organizations (government and corporate), allowing for audit-ability of data while ensuring security and privacy.


iPie is a blockchain-based platform for debt securitisation for Non-banking Financial Corporations (NBFCs). In view of the liquidity crisis for NBFCs, securitisation has seen a record rate of growth(193%) in the past 1 year. The process as it presently stands is completely manual and is only available for few select individuals. iPie with its ability to improve diversification through tranching, better credit scoring mechanism and faster repayments through the smart contracts looks to open the market of securitisation to all the interested investors and provide the much needed liquidity for the NBFCs. iPie through the blockchain enabled platform brings in more transparency, improve operational efficiency and reduce human errors in the process.


MemesChain is a platform that helps you own and monetize your most creative memes, using the power of blockchain and AI. It promotes the original work and ensures that there is attribution to the creator’s memes and curtails plagiarism.


Agroshare is a decentralized community farming dApp that has created a decentralized platform for community-based farming that can enrich the lies of farmers socially and economically. It removes the

Security Track


S.I.G.N.A.T.U.R.E is a cold storage of wallet keys that is stored on an NFC Chip that will protect the private credentials of the user. They created a product that attempts to secure wallet keys from illicit hackers.

SEAL_IITKGP — Who is watching the Watchman?

SEAL is a solution that implements physically unclonable functions for authentication of blockchain-based smart metering. It is a lightweight authentication protocol in the blockchain framework that will uniquely identify each party involved in the system and ensure the privacy and anonymity of the user.

Day 2

The second day of the Genesis Hack Finale began with the seven shortlisted participants prepping for their pitches. With everything set up, we started the pitching session where every team got to present their projects for one last time before the judges. Subsequently, the teams displayed demos of their projects to the judges. This gave our judges enough (and more) to go on and deliberate the winners of the hackathon. It wasn’t long before they walked out and handed over two large cheques to iPie from the Security Track and Trinetra from the dApp track as the winners of Genesis Hack. And with that we concluded Genesis Hack on Day 2 at the Tech Mahindra campus.

However, the closing of Genesis Hack for this year was not limited to that of a hackathon. It was a culmination of several efforts to build a platform that could provide those aspiring to build something in blockchain technology, and we believe that we have achieved that.

What we Accomplished with Genesis Hack

As a hackathon, Genesis Hack has brought together several blockchain engineers who have the potential skill and know-how to build solutions for everyday problems. Aside from narrowing it down to two projects that were chosen based on their market readiness, we have been able to procure the right opportunities for most of our participants by providing them with access to go-to-market partners and capital. We believe that the end of Genesis Hack 2019 will be the beginning of several journeys of our participants in terms of materializing their projects and bringing them to fruition.

Genesis Hack was the burgeoning of developers and entrepreneurs who had something exceptional to offer to the blockchain space in India. Given how India is taking ground in this nascent industry, it has turned out to be a nation with the second-largest number of blockchain developers with over 12,000 individuals (Source). We believe that Genesis Hack has the potential to become an enabler, helping provide learning and funding opportunities to India’s thriving blockchain developer community.

We thank our sponsors, partners, and our co-hosts — Nucleus Vision and Eleven01, for supporting our cause and helping us pull off Genesis Hack. And, to all our participants, we are grateful for your enthusiasm to #BUIDL and to learn more about this fascinating technology that has the potential to add value to our everyday lives.

We’re not stopping with Genesis Hack! Did you hear? Genesis DevCon — a blockchain developer conference, is set to take place this November. Come be a part of this learning experience and build your networks by meeting the who’s who in the blockchain industry with DevCon.

Get your tickets here!



Genesis DevCon

Genesis DevCon is a blockchain developer conference that is bringing in the best experts in the field to India.