Crowd Genie — Blockchain product development update — Part 1

Crowd Genie Official Blog
Genie ICO
Published in
2 min readAug 2, 2018

By Kunwar Singh, CTO, Crowd Genie

Last few months have been a roller coaster ride. As we set out to build Asia-wide tokenized Asset exchange platform, we were pretty sure that the journey would be exciting to say the least.

At Crowd Genie, we believe in an open and transparent relationship with the community and taking the same tradition forward, I will share the Crowd Genie Platform building journey in a series of articles probably once a month or whenever we have something substantial to share.

As shared in the previous posts, we had already on-boarded the MC2 team as our technology partners and were working closely together in thrashing out the details.

For the analysis phase, we had the two clear objectives in mind.

1: Use our experience in running an existing loan platform to conceptualize a performant and user friendly platform.

2: As the technology scene is ever evolving, choose the best of the enterprise grade software stack based on the objective criteria.

Once the objective was clear and communicated to everyone, next couple of weeks went into identifying

  • the comprehensive feature list
  • Prioritizing the features
  • the core of the platform — the MVP
  • the roles
  • Services and many more components that go into making the platform

I always believe on the market feedback approach for product building i.e. we build the minimal viable product and then iterate on the feature list depending on the feedback from the users.

However this is easier said than done as there are always competing and conflicting requirements of time to market and usability of the platform.

Some of the high level features that could make it to the MVP are

  • fleshed out roles for borrowers, lenders and brokers
  • Blockchain based immutability for all the crucial transactions
  • Multi-Sign functionality for the KYC module with user having complete control over their private data
  • and many more

In the next of the series, I will share the details on the crucial modules of the platform, the complete stack, the technology selected and the rationale behind our selection.

As always I am open to suggestions to improve. So feel free to write back in the comments or directly to me at .

All the information and progress about the Crowd Genie platform can also be accessed at the links below.

Token Name: CGCOIN
Token Symbol: CGC
Token Website:
Company Website:
Telegram Group:

