We are chuffed to be in London!

Crowd Genie Official Blog
Genie ICO
Published in
1 min readApr 6, 2018

Crowd Genie presents at Blockchain Expo London on 18/19 April

Crowd Genie will be presenting at the BlockChain Expo in London (https://www.blockchain-expo.com/global) on 18th and 19th of April that is expected to attract more than 6000 visitors.

The aim for Crowd Genie is to interact with the community at the intersection of blockchain and financial services and share our plans on building the Asian Asset Exchange. In addition, it will also serve to raise our profile and visibility in the European market.

We hope to build new partnerships with likeminded companies that might lead to bigger expansion opportunities down the road

Our CEO, Akshay Mehra, will be presenting on the 19th in the morning, and will be at the event at both the days. We look forward to interacting with our current supporters and grow our base of new supporters!

