Best FACE WASHES for women in India

3 min readMay 26, 2017
Best Face Washes for Women In India

What is a FACE WASH

A face wash is a basic piece of your purifying administration. Most ladies lean toward a face wash over a purging milk to evacuate soil, grime and sebum from their skin since face washes don’t leave any deposit on the skin. The face washes come in various structures — smooth or gel or with peeling dabs — so as to suit diverse purposes and skin sorts.

Why to use FACE WASH

On the off chance that you have dry skin, then you would require a velvety face wash that will saturate your skin as it purifies it. Slick skin would require a gel based face wash since you would prefer not to add more slickness to an effectively sleek face. Now and then they accompany dynamic fixings like salicylic corrosive to counter pimples. So relying upon your necessity, pick a face wash from our rundown of the best face washes accessible in India. Wash your face with it twice every day and get new and delightful skin.

finding the ideal face wash for your skin involves experimentation. Continuously pick the littlest of the pack sizes to do a trial on how your skin reacts to it. Try not to wash your face more than twice with a face wash.

Let’s dive into the Best Face Washes available for Women in India :

  1. Nivea Pure Effect Total Face Clean Up Face Wash

The Nivea Pure Effect Total Face Clean Up Face Wash profound purges your face to evacuate regular dirt, unclog pores to expel any sebum or pimples caught in them. It has a hostile to bacterial equation that can battle any skin bothering or sensitivities. It decreases the presence of spots and lights up the skin tone. It is implied for ordinary to slick skin. It is estimated at Rs. 99 for 50 ml on

2. Pond’s Pure White Deep Cleansing Facial Foam

The Pond’s Pure White Deep Cleansing Foam has initiated charcoal cleaning which draws our debasements and unclogs your pores. The face wash forestalls breakouts and peels the skin so that there are no dead skin cells at first glance and your skin is shining and bright.The Vitamin B3 in the face wash feeds your skin and convey brilliance to it. It is appropriate for all skin sorts. It is estimated at Rs. 175 for 100 g on

3. Dove Deep Pure Face Wash

The Dove Deep Pure Face Wash helps in giving your skin all the moisturising content that it needs as it cleans and make the skin glow. The face wash is rich in glycerin which is a humectant that aides in pulling in dampness towards the skin and keeps it supple. The face wash evacuates additional sebum in the skin and its shedding properties help in expelling any dead skin. It is reasonable for all skin sorts. It is valued at Rs. 263 for 100 ml on

For complete info , please refer to the original article : Best Face Washes For Women In India

